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Ethics & Fraud Hotline

The independent Ethics Board sponsors a confidential Ethics & Fraud HOTLINE. This hotline is a method for City employees, contractors, citizens, and other interested parties to confidentially present a suspected incident of a violation of the City’s Code of Ethics.

A City employee or member of the public who suspects a violation of the City’s Code of Ethics can notify the Ethics Board through the hotline by dialing 850-891-6550. Callers may remain anonymous if they wish. All information received will be treated in a confidential manner, including the name of the reporting person if so desired by that person to the extent permitted by law. View Florida Statutes Section 112.3188 relating to confidentiality of information disclosed to a local government official regarding suspected ethics violations.

If you suspect the City’s Ethics Code has been violated, make a confidential report of the case to the Ethics & Fraud Hotline at 850-891-6550.
When calling the hotline, it will be most beneficial if you can:

  • Describe your concern.
  • Provide the names of all individuals involved, including other witnesses.
  • Give the dates and times the incident occurred and where it happened.
  • State whether there is any supporting documentation such as birth dates, license plate or City vehicle numbers, social security numbers, addresses, invoice numbers, purchase order numbers, check numbers, or other document numbers.


City of Tallahassee Ethics Code (Ch. 2, Art. I, Division 3 of the Gen. Code of Ordinances)
City Ethics Officer
Ethics & Fraud Hotline
Florida Ethics Code, Chapter 112, F.S.
Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, F.S.
Florida Open Meetings / Sunshine Law, Chapter 286, F.S.
Florida Commission on Ethics
State Financial Disclosure Forms (filed with the Office of the Leon County Supervisor of Elections)
2018 City Financial Disclosure Forms
City Financial Disclosure Form - Blank
City Commission Policies
City Commission meeting agendas & summaries
City of Tallahassee Lobbyist Registration Information
State of Florida, US Senate, and US House of Representatives lobbyist registries