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Independent Ethics Board

About Us | Contact Info

In 2014, voters approved a City Charter amendment creating the Tallahassee independent Ethics Board. In December 2019, the City Commission voted to give the Board greater authority including the power to subpoena. The Board consist of seven members of which five are individually selected by the City Commission, Public Defender Office for the Second Judicial Circuit, State Attorney for the Second Judicial Circuit, President of Florida A & M University, and the President of Florida State University.

The Charter gives the Independent Ethics Board the responsibility to hire and supervise staff. The Ethics Board is required to maintain a structure that ensures independence and impartiality and provides for the maximum practicable input from citizens and community organizations. The Charter mandates that the Ethics Board be funded by the City Commission within its discretionary budgetary authority at a level sufficient to discharge the Board's responsibilities.

As specified in the Charter, the Ethics Board has the following duties and responsibilities:

  • investigate complaints and levy civil penalties;
  • manage a citywide ethics hotline for receipt of allegations of local corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, campaign finance and ethics violations;
  • adopt bylaws and due process procedures for the administration of the Ethics Board;
  • manage and coordinate the mandatory training of local officials, officers, employees, and board members in state and local ethics;
  • refer ethics and corruption matters to appropriate enforcement agencies;
  • recommend proposed ordinances, resolutions, or Charter amendments to the City Commission in all areas of ethics and corruption;
  • increase awareness among City employees and City officials through written advisory opinions on the application of the ethics code;
  • administer a campaign contribution refund program; and
  • maintain an up-to-date citizen's ethics guide.

Executive Director

Dwight FloydDwight Floyd joined the Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board in February 2020 as the Executive Director and Ethics Officer. Before joining the City of Tallahassee, he served thirty-four years with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). During his tenure, he directed the training of law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and correctional probation officers statewide. He gave oversight to the development and administration of entry-level testing and state officer certification examinations. He also managed officer discipline cases for administrative hearings. He is native to Tallahassee, where he attended public schools before completing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science with Concentration in Public Administration from Florida A&M University. He is a member of the Council on Governmental Ethics and Laws.

Board Members

Seat / Designation Appointee Term Exp.
1 / City Commission Ernie Paine 12/31/2023
2 / Public Defender, 2nd Judicial Court Adams Komisar 12/31/2025
3 / State Attorney, 2nd Judicial Court Patrick Kelly 12/31/2024
4 / President of FSU Vacant 12/31/2023
5 / President of FAMU Rica Calhoun 12/31/2025
6 / At-large Seat 1 Carlos Rey 12/31/2024
7 / At-large Seat 2 Kristen S. Costa 12/31/2025


  • Tasker Leverson-Green - Administrative Specialist
  • John Reid - Board Attorney

Contact Information

Interested parties may contact the Board via e-mail or phone at 850-891-6551.

The Ethics Office manages a citywide ethics hotline for receipt of allegations of local corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, campaign finance and ethics violations. Report and ethics violation at 850-891-6550.

To file a written complaint, please download and complete the complaint form (PDF) and mail to: Ethics Officer, 300 South Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301.

To report other issues:

  • Discrimination Issues, call Equity and Workforce Development at 850-891-8290
  • Worker's Compensation Fraud Issues, call Risk Management at 850-891-2117
  • Employee Relation Issues, call Human Resources at 850-891-8331

Campaign Contribution Refund Program

Section 63 of the City Charter establishes that citizens who live within the city limits and are registered voters are eligible to receive a refund when they contribute to a candidate running for the City Commission or mayor's office. In addition, the candidate must meet all legal requirements of the Tallahassee City Code of General Ordinances. A list of candidates running for office is available on the Leon County Supervisor of Elections website. The maximum refund for an individual is $25.00. No individual may file more than one claim per election cycle, which is January 1, 2023, to November 5, 2024.

To receive a refund, the contributor must do one of the following:

  1. Submit a completed Electronic Refund Claim Form with a copy of a receipt(s) from the candidate's principal campaign committee by January 20, 2025.
  2. Email a completed Refund Claim Form with a copy of a receipt(s) from the candidate's principal campaign committee by January 20, 2025, to
  3. Mail a completed Refund Claim Form with a copy of a receipt(s) from the candidate's principal campaign committee by January 20, 2025, to the address on the form.

The Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board administers the refund program. Once the office receives the claim form and receipt, they will verify eligibility, and the City of Tallahassee will send a refund. Claimants should allow up to forty-five days to receive it.

For more information, send an email to or call 850-545-5756.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does the City of Tallahassee have a Campaign Contribution Refund Program?
In November 2014, City voters passed a Charter Amendment that established the Independent Ethics Board and the refund program.

Who may obtain a refund?
Registered voters who live within the Tallahassee city limits may obtain a refund.

Who pays for the refund to eligible citizens?
The payments come from the City's general revenue funds.

I donated to a candidate but gave more than $25. Can I get back the entire amount?
No. The maximum amount for refunds is $25.

I donated to a candidate in 2022. May I get a refund of that contribution?
No. Refunds are limited to contributions made during the election cycle, which is January 1, 2023, to November 5, 2024.

I donated to several candidates. May I get a refund for all of those contributions?
You may submit a Refund Claim Form and include receipts for all of your donations. However, the maximum amount that we will refund is $25.

I live outside the City limits but donated to a City Commission candidate. May I receive a refund?
No. Refunds are limited to registered voters who live in the city limits.

When should I expect a refund?
Claimants should allow up to forty-five days to receive their refund.

If the candidate I donate to drops out of the race or does not qualify to appear on the ballot, can I still get a refund for that donation?
Yes. You may receive a refund as long as the candidate appoints a campaign treasurer, designates a primary depository, and makes monthly contribution reports to the Leon County Supervisor of Elections.

Three-Year Strategic Plan

Through a referendum in 2014, The Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board was established in the City Charter. The Board is a seven-member body appointed by the City Commission, Florida A&M University, Florida State University, State Prosecutor's Office, Public Defender's Office, and two selected at large. Staff for the Ethics Office includes an executive director/ethics officer and administrative specialist. The Board contracts with a legal advisor. Their functions are outlined in the Tallahassee Ordinance under the provisions of the Ethics Code.

The Board oversees ethics training for City officials, appointees, employees, and advisory board members. As a quasi-judicial Board, they hear cases of alleged violations of the Ethics Code. The Board has subpoena power and investigates the alleged violations in circumstances where it has jurisdiction. The Board relies on citizens, vendors, City employees, and City officials to report violations of the Ethics Code.

The Board reviews its strategic plan at the end of the fiscal year and updates its priorities and strategies. The fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.

Three-Year Strategic Plan

Annual Reports

We are proud to present these reports and share our achievements and the direction that the Board is taking. We are independent, not beholden to any individual or organization. We are a quasi-judicial body whose function is administrative, and therefore, not political. Our commitment is to uphold the highest ethical standards and consistently serve the public responsibly, with integrity and dedication.

Annual Reports (PDF)
Report an Ethics Violation
Advisory Opinions
Citizens' Ethics Guide

Board Meetings

The Independent Ethics Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on August 15 at 4:00pm in the Tallahassee Room in City Hall.


Bylaws and Procedures (PDF)

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