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Parking Citation Appeal

This form is a request for a review of the parking citation referenced below. Your request will be reviewed and evaluated based on City of Tallahassee parking regulations, reasonableness and any mitigating circumstances indicated in this request. Please be aware that ignorance of the law or ordinance or failure to observe parking restriction signs shall not be grounds for a recommendation to dismiss. After your request has been reviewed, a decision letter will be mailed or emailed to you within three weeks of your submittal. Appeals are NOT VALID after three (3) calendar days from the issuance date on your parking citation.

Parking Citation Appeal Form











Please upload a photo of the issued parking citation.

Please upload a screenshot of your ParkMobile receipt showing times of paid parking.

Please explain why you believe this citation was issued in error or why you should be released from responsibility for payment of this citation.



By signing your full name in the field above, you certify that you are the correct person to fill out the form and that all information presented above is true to the best of your knowledge. Perjury Warning: Knowingly making a false declaration is a third degree felony. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing information and the facts stated in it are true.