Commission Will Not Increase Property Tax Rate
Direction Provided toward Developing Balanced Budget
June 14, 2017
Today, the City Commission held a budget workshop, which was the ninth update in its ongoing budget series during Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17). During the meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to not increase the millage rate, leaving it at its current level of 4.1 mills.
The current budget planning process for FY18 will continue to focus on improving efficiencies and effectiveness. The Commission directed staff to continue to focus on efforts that will enhance public safety, which continues to be the highest priority for the community. As the community indicated that the City's transportation network (roads and sidewalks) is also a high priority to them, the FY18 budget includes maintaining the plan to invest an additional $6.5 million in roadway and sidewalk improvements.
To create a balanced budget, the Commission discussed a variety of measures outlined by staff including functional consolidations and workforce reductions, employee benefit cost sharing, insourcing/outsourcing of tasks, reviewing fee-based City services and more. These efforts are projected to offset the deficit, attributed in part to the repeal of the business tax and increases in personnel costs, without impacting the delivery of services to citizens.
The City is committed to a transparent budget process. The budget will be adopted through a multi-stage process that factors in the Municipal Cost Comparisons, City Commission priorities and input, public involvement and the status of the FY17 budget.
The next budget updates will be provided on June 28, July 19, September 13 and September 27. Information is always available through OpenGov and the City's online budget, both accessible through
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