The Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) is the organization serving as the region’s metropolitan transportation planning organization. In doing so, it facilitates policy discussions with the goal of developing a long range regional transportation plan that supports sustainable development and supports economic growth. It is responsible for coordinating transportation planning within Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, and Wakulla counties. CRTPA’s Board is comprised of representatives from each county, totally 11 voting members. CRTPA also has three committees: The Citizens Multimodal Advisory Committee, the Technical Advisory Committee, and Leon County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board.
The CRTPA is responsible for a Regional Mobility Plan which is a long-range (20+year) vision, strategy, and capital improvement program that guides the investment of public funds in transportation facilities. The plan is developed by an MPO (CRTPA) and contains a financial plan. It is updated every five years and may be amended as a result of changes in available funding and findings from local studies. The plan inc
CRTPA gathers citizens, local and State engineers, and regional organizations together to prioritize projects covering a five-year period that is consistent with the metropolitan transportation plan, that ensures eligibility for Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration funding. Through public involvement and unified planning, CRTPA maximizes local, state, and federal resources which guide the implementation of several projects throughout the region annually.
Eleven (11) voting members serve on the CRTPA board.
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