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Growth Management Citizen Tools - Video Library

This is Growth Management

The Growth Management Department is the land development regulatory agency for Tallahassee. The department implements the City’s environmental and land development activities. The department is also responsible for enforcing building codes through building plan review, permitting, and inspection.

Tree Preservation Standards

The City's Growth Management Department works to protect the many things that make a city a home. This video explains the City's tree preservation standards from beginning to end. For further details, please read Chapter 5 of the City's Land Development Code.

Certificates of Occupancy and Student Housing

This video outlines key steps in the review of student housing projects and explains how the City works with such projects to help them open on time. - Posted - July 10, 2019

The Benefits of Student Housing

This video explains the benefits of student housing projects to the City of Tallahassee and identifies why the City works with student housing projects to help them open on time. - Posted - July 10, 2019

Permitting from Start to Finish

This video is designed for everyone who would like to learn more about the development process in the City of Tallahassee. - Posted - April 3, 2019