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Goal: Help residents become financially secure and support the growth of neighborhood businesses through improved access to educational, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

The Greater Bond Neighborhood envisions a future where residents and business owners alike are better able to take advantage of networks and support services that promote financial security and thoughtful economic development. Greater Bond is a community with many assets, but many residents face challenges in making ends meet. Low wage levels, unemployment, and low educational attainment are key issues in the community. Further, new and existing businesses need a skilled workforce and clear pathways to business development resources in order to expand and grow.

Twenty-one percent of Greater Bond residents have no high school diploma (or equivalent), and almost 19 percent of working-age residents are unemployed (ACS, 2011-15). Adults without a high school diploma or GED (General Equivalency Degree) have extremely limited employment opportunities and are not competitive in the 21st-century job market. Homeownership in the neighborhood is relatively low (17.5 percent), and more than two-thirds of renters are cost-burdened, spending more than 30 percent of their income on housing (ACS, 2011-15). Families also face challenges in finding other work supports, like childcare and transportation. Residents fear that the community will experience diminished economic potential and lost business opportunities if the community doesn’t work together to change these circumstances.

The Economic Development and Resident Empowerment Priority Area Team identified key areas of concern and proposed a series of strategies that will reduce barriers and create opportunities for residents and entrepreneurs alike to build pathways to prosperity.

Lack of areas targeted for neighborhood-scale commercial development in the areas zoned “Residential Preservation.”

Neighborhood Concern 1: Lack of areas targeted for neighborhood-scale commercial development in the areas zoned “Residential Preservation”
Desired Outcome: More neighborhood-scale businesses are allowed within targeted areas of the “Residential Preservation” zones.  

Strategy 1.1: Identify and promote specific locations for commercial development.

Action Item 1.1.1: Assess the feasibility of Floral, Gamble and Mill, streets and the City-owned property at the corner of Lake Bradford Road and Gamble Street as areas for commercial corridors; identify three priority areas.  

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), Tallahassee Leon County Office of Economic Vitality

Lack of awareness about the opportunities to develop businesses within the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Concern 2: Lack of awareness about the opportunities to develop businesses within the neighborhood
Desired Outcome: Greater Bond is perceived as a business-friendly neighborhood with creative and unique businesses that support the community.

Strategy 2.1: Develop neighborhood branding and highlight the resources and opportunities available for locating businesses in the neighborhood

Action Item 2.1.1: Develop new options for a neighborhood logo and motto.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)


Action Item 2.1.2: Create and implement a marketing plan to promote the neighborhood’s branding and other positive neighborhood events/amenities.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee


Action Item 2.1.3: Identify vacant buildings, lots and other underutilized areas that are suitable for business development and develop mechanisms to match those properties with prospective business owners.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Planning, Community Housing and Human Services, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, Growth Management, CRA) Habitat for Humanity, Tallahassee Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, Capital City Chamber of Commerce, Big Bend Minority Chamber of Commerce, Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce


Action Item 2.1.4: Promote business development resources that are available to new and existing businesses in the neighborhood.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs,

CRA), Tallahassee Leon Office of Economic Vitality, DOMI, FAMU Small Business Development Center, New Era Entrepreneur Network

Action Item 2.1.5: Work with universities, local museums and other partners to explore the feasibility of creating a neighborhood museum at Speed’s Grocery at Saxon and Floral streets.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, CRA), Tallahassee Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, FAMU, FSU, Black Archives

Limited access to educational, job training and employment opportunities.

Neighborhood Concern 3: Limited access to educational, job training and employment opportunities
Desired Outcome: Neighborhood youth and adults are able to conveniently access services that help them achieve educational goals and find employment that provides a family-sustaining wage.

Strategy 3.1: Promote and enhance mechanisms for youth and adults to obtain a GED or high school diploma, higher education, job training and employment

Action Item 3.1.1: Promote the TEMPO and other educational support programs to address disconnected youth ages 16-24.  

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: TEMPO, City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD)

 Action Item 3.1.2: Create a neighborhood-based reading and STEAM mentoring program for youth.  

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 3.1.3: Host job training and employment support services for adults at locations within the community; link residents to services outside of the neighborhood.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: CareerSource, other workforce development providers, TCC, City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Limited access to affordable support services such as child care, transportation and financial education.

Neighborhood Concern 4: Limited access to affordable support services such as child care transportation, and financial education
Desired Outcome: Residents can conveniently access and afford resources that support working families. 

Strategy 4.1: Link residents with existing services and resources, offering those services within the community when possible.

Action Item 4.1.1: Create a Neighborhood Ambassador program to serve as liaisons between residents and service providers. 

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), 2-1-1, Southside United Citizen Action Alliance, Tallahassee Housing Authority, Kids Incorporated, chambers of commerce, Early Learning Coalition

Action Item 4.1.2: Create a neighborhood resource guide that includes the identification of the skills and talents of people in the neighborhood.  

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners:  City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), 2-1-1, Southside United Citizen Action Alliance, Tallahassee Housing Authority, Kids Incorporated, chambers of commerce, Early Learning Coalition

Action Item 4.1.3: Work with service providers to offer additional services and events (i.e., mental health, financial education and record expungement) within the neighborhood and target promotion efforts to the community.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), Tallahassee -Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, CareerSource, Tallahassee Federal Credit Union, DOMI, FAMU Small Business Development Center, New Era Entrepreneur Network, Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend, Capital Area Community Action Agency, Big Bend AFTER Re-Entry Coalition, Legal Services of North Florida


Action Item 4.1.4: Develop a plan to create a comprehensive one-stop service hub (or “Village Center”).

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, Planning)

Action Item 4.1.5: Assess the feasibility of creating a quality-rated, affordable childcare facility in the neighborhood.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, Planning


Action Item 4.1.6: Conduct a survey of bus stops/routes and bicycle lanes in/out of Greater Bond to determine possible improvements and provide education about existing transportation resources.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, Planning)

Limited availability of affordable housing and low home-ownership rates.

Neighborhood Concern 5: Limited availability of affordable housing and low home-ownership rates
Desired Outcome: Greater Bond residents have ample opportunities to rent or purchase suitable and affordable homes.

Strategy 5.1: Increase awareness of properties that can be redeveloped into affordable housing.

Action Item 5.1.1: Develop and promote a list of properties that can be redeveloped into affordable housing.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), Tallahassee Lenders Consortium, Habitat for Humanity, developers

Strategy 5.2: Increase access to homeownership and housing rehabilitation resources.
Action Item 5.2.1: Promote current homeownership programs and rehabilitation supports for owner- and renter-occupied homes.  

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), Tallahassee Lenders Consortium, Capital Area Community Action Agency, credit unions

 Action Item 5.2.2:Organize community work days where community volunteers aid homeowners with rehabilitation projects.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners:  Rainbow Rehab, Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer Leon, City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 5.2.3: Create a new program that provides financial incentives for landlords to improve rental properties in the neighborhood while also keeping them affordable.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, Tallahassee Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, City of Tallahassee (CRA, Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)


Action Item 5.2.4: Create a new program that provides financial incentive for homeowners to improve their homes (ex: Residential Façade Improvement Program).

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, Tallahassee- Leon County Office of Economic Vitality, City of Tallahassee (CRA, Planning, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)
Version: 3891 (8/31/2022 10:13 AM) |