Neighborhood Concern 2: Vacant lots and dilapidated structures
Desired Outcome: Dilapidated and abandoned structures in the neighborhood are redeveloped, and local historically significant neighborhood structures are preserved.
Strategy 2.1: Develop City-owned properties in the neighborhood.
Action Item 2.1.1: Sell City-owned properties with contractual conditions that assure new development is affordable and consistent with the character of the community.
- Lead: City of Tallahassee
- Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Real Estate)
Action Item 2.1.2: Explore the feasibility of implementing a community land trust model on City-owned properties in the Greater Bond Neighborhood
- Lead: City of Tallahassee
- Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services, Real Estate)
Strategy 2.2: Rehabilitation of renter-occupied homes throughout the neighborhood.
Action Item 2.2.1: Implement an education program that informs residents about tenant rights regarding requesting repairs and how to properly report code enforcement issues, if necessary.
- Lead: City of Tallahassee
- Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Growth Management)
Action Item 2.2.2: Educate landlords about obtaining rehabilitation loans, rental assistance programs, renter rehabilitation agreements (for example, renters agree to paint and make repairs if landlord pays for materials, a lease that reduces rent for a set period, or a lease-to-own agreement), etc.
- Lead: City of Tallahassee
- Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services)
Strategy 2.3: Encourage the development of privately owned, dilapidated buildings and vacant lots.
Action Item 2.3.1: Through the GBNA Land Use Committee (comprised of residents, realtors and developers) survey, prioritize and promote properties available for development.
- Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
- Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Community Housing and Human Services)
Strategy 2.4: Preserve historic structures throughout the neighborhood.
Action Item 2.4.1: Create an inventory of the neighborhood’s significant historic structures.
- Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
- Potential Partners: Riley House Museum, Black Archives
Action Item 2.4.2: Identify incentives that promote the preservation of the neighborhood’s historically significant structures.
- Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
- Potential Partners: Riley House Museum, Black Archives