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Goal: Create a safe environment for residents and visitors to live, work, learn, and play through social engagement and the revitalization of the Greater Bond Neighborhood.

Neighborhood involvement and community spirit (love of place) are solid building blocks for creating safe and resilient neighborhoods. Crime is a major quality of life concern that the Greater Bond Neighborhood is ready to address together. Local crime data show areas in the Greater Bond Neighborhood as crime “hot spots.” (These are defined as areas that have high crime intensity.) A review of tracked criminal activities occurring in Greater Bond from 2013 to 2017 shows that most of the crimes occurring in the neighborhood are property offenses related to theft, burglary, and larceny. Crimes against persons show a decline over the years.

Although crime is a major concern for the neighborhood, 93 percent of respondents to the recent Greater Bond Neighborhood First survey (2018) stated that they feel safe in their community. Eighty percent of respondents, however, stated that they were very concerned about drug use/dealing, while 71 percent were very concerned about crimes of burglary, theft, violence, and homicides. Survey results showed a high level of support for enhanced community policing, continued monitoring of criminal activity around neighborhood stores and street corners, and the implementation of Neighborhood Crime Watch program.

The Tallahassee Police Department has established a community policing substation in Greater Bond at the Smith-Williams Service Center, which has led to more proactive community engagement. Additionally, the installation of security cameras in certain areas of the neighborhood earlier this year has had a positive effect on crime in the community.

The Neighborhood Safety and Crime Prevention Priority Area Team built upon these successes by focusing on strategies that support and encourage crime reporting, personal safety, and community involvement.

Lack of a proactive approach to address criminal activity.

Neighborhood Concern 1: Lack of a proactive approach to address criminal activity
Desired Outcome: The neighborhood is actively engaged in crime prevention efforts.

Strategy 1.1: Engage and educate neighborhood residents and stakeholders (churches, schools, business owners, landlords) on crime reporting, fire prevention and personal safety techniques.

Action Item 1.1.1: In collaboration with members of the Public Safety Collective, develop and implement a neighborhood crime prevention and education plan, which focuses on the techniques that residents can implement individually and in partnership with local law enforcement.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD), LCSO, FAMUPD, Big Bend Crime Stoppers, area schools, area churches and businesses

Action Item 1.1.2:  Collaborate with local public safety officials and Tallahassee Community College to conduct workshops on personal and neighborhood safety.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD, TFD), TCC, LCSO, area schools, Tallahassee Police Athletic League, parents

Action Item 1.1.3: Meet with area businesses to discuss and explore opportunities for partnerships, and obtain buy-in through an agreement or pledge to address the neighborhood’s security concerns.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD, TFD), LCSO

Action Item 1.1.4: Provide animal control for stray cats and dogs and education to residents on leash laws and animal population control.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association

Action Item 1.1.5:  Host a Safety Summit & Showcase event.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD), local churches

Strategy 1.2:  Increase resident involvement in neighborhood activities and events.
Action Item 1.2.1: Expand and enhance how residents are provided information regarding law enforcement activities, programs, and services by utilizing the neighborhood block captain network, Operation Safe Neighborhoods and a neighborhood webpage.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs), local schools, parents, police,

Action Item 1.2.2:  Host public safety/ resource fairs.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, City of Tallahassee (TPD, TFD), LCSO, Big Bend Crime Stoppers, FAMU, FSU, area schools 

Action Item 1.2.3:  Host Operation Safe Neighborhoods walks.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (TPD)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 1.2.4: Host church services outside in the neighborhood.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Area churches

Action Item 1.2.5: Engage with parents at school orientations, open houses and other school events.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Area schools

Strategy 1.3:  Leverage dollars and community assets to address crime.
Action Item 1.3.1: Partner with local businesses and community organizations to support and/or sponsor neighborhood activities and events that highlight the importance of reporting crime.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Big Bend Crime Stoppers, local nonprofits, credit unions

Action Item 1.3.2: Seek grant opportunities that support neighborhood safety efforts including the establishment of a one-stop service hub (or “Village Center”).

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Local nonprofits

Perceived lack of visibility of law enforcement in the neighborhood.

Neighborhood Concern 2: Perceived lack of visibility of law enforcement in the neighborhood
Desired Outcome: Law enforcement is visible and engages with residents.  

Strategy 2.1: Promote community policing efforts.

Action Item 2.1.1: Highlight law enforcement efforts in neighborhood.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (TPD), LCSO
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Communications, Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TFD)

Strategy 2.2: Host activities that provide opportunity for law enforcement officials and neighborhood residents and stakeholders to interact.
Action Item 2.2.1: Host breakfasts or workshops for the area’s 23 church leaders

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD, TFD), LCSO, area schools, area churches

Action Item 2.2.2: Collaborate with the TPD, TFD and LCSO to host quarterly meetings/events in the neighborhood to provide positive social interaction between law enforcement officers and neighborhood residents.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD, TFD), LCSO, area schools

Action Item 2.2.3: Recruit residents to participate in the TPD’s youth and adult Citizens Police Academies, Rape Aggression Defense, and Ride-Along programs with special Southside officers that volunteer and are good at working with riders. Offer a special preview workshop for the Citizens Police Academy.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (TPD)

Action Item 2.2.4: Invite law enforcement officials to participate in regularly scheduled neighborhood association activities, such as the monthly neighborhood association meeting.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD)

Action Item 2.2.5:  Recognize and honor law enforcement officials, kids, parents, and others who have partnered with the neighborhood to address neighborhood issues.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD)

Action Item 2.2.6: Recruit law enforcement officials to attend and serve as volunteers in neighborhood-run youth and children’s programs.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, TPD, TFD), LCSO, FAMU, FSU, area schools 

Lack of a comprehensive Neighborhood Crime Watch program.

Neighborhood Concern 3: Lack of a comprehensive Neighborhood Crime Watch program
Desired Outcome: The Greater Bond Neighborhood Crime Watch is active, inclusive and effective.

Strategy 3.1: Develop a comprehensive Neighborhood Crime Watch program.

Action Item 3.1.1:  Identify Block Captains for hot spot areas in neighborhood.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 3.1.2: Encourage neighbors and stakeholders to look out for each other and report suspicious activities to the police.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (TPD), LCSO, Area schools, Big Bend Crime Stoppers, area schools, local businesses, FAMU, FSU

Action Item 3.1.3: Update neighborhood residents about criminal activities taking place in the neighborhood. Use technology (i.e., Nextdoor).

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (TPD)
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 3.1.4:  Partner with businesses to obtain donations to be used as incentives for resident involvement.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Area businesses

Action Item 3.1.5:  Nurture strong relationships between neighborhood advocates and individual officers/law enforcement in general.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (TPD) LCSO, Big Bend Crime Stoppers, area schools, local businesses, FAMU, FSU

Abandoned/derelict housing, overgrown vegetation and the perceived lack of Code Enforcement to address these issues.

Neighborhood Concern 4: Abandoned/derelict housing, overgrown vegetation and the perceived lack of Code Enforcement to address these issues.
Desired Outcome: There is a significant reduction in the number of dilapidated and/or abandoned structures in the neighborhood.

Strategy 4.1: Rehabilitation or removal, if necessary, of neighborhood structures that are dilapidated.

Action Item 4.1.1: Reach out to owners to ascertain their desired use of property.

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs, Real Estate)

Action Item 4.1.2: Implement an education program that informs residents about how to properly report code enforcement issues related to dilapidated, substandard and/or abandoned structures.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Growth Management, Community Housing and Human Services)

Action Item 4.1.3: Promote the use of City rehabilitation programs for owner-occupied houses (financial assistance with home rehabilitation).

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Growth Management, Community Housing and Human Services)

Action Item 4.1.4: Coordinate with nonprofit organizations that assist with helping homeowners address dilapidated, substandard and/or abandoned structures or lots (physical assistance with home rehabilitation).

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Rainbow Rehab, Habitat for Humanity

Action Item 4.1.5: Promote financial/housing assistance programs offered by nonprofits (financial assistance with home in general).

  • Lead: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association
  • Potential Partners: Tallahassee Lenders Consortium

Current physical environment leads to criminal activity.

Neighborhood Concern 5:  Current physical environment leads to criminal activity
Desired Outcome: There is adequate physical and social neighborhood infrastructure that prevents or reduces opportunities for criminal activity.

Strategy 5.1: Develop and implement physical improvements to prevent and/or reduce criminal activities.
Action Item 5.1.1: Create green spaces throughout the neighborhood.

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Growth Management, Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association

Action Item 5.1.2: Update lighting survey and enhance/install adequate street lighting throughout neighborhood

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (Electric Utility)
  • Potential Partners: City of Tallahassee (Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Affairs)

Action Item 5.1.3:  Use the principles and practices of CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) to reduce opportunities for crime

  • Lead: City of Tallahassee (TPD)
  • Potential Partners: Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, City of Tallahassee (TFD), LCSO
Version: 3893 (8/31/2022 10:21 AM) |