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Impact on Poverty

City of Tallahassee Coin
  • City of Tallahassee
City of Tallahassee

Impact on Poverty

To be a leading community partner that actively connects residents to resources that remove economic and social barriers.

TFLA Students

Objective 2A:

Support education, training, and job readiness for target populations.

  1. 1. Percent reduction of disconnected youth. Target: 30%
  2. 2. Number of TFLA participants that have moved on to higher education, trade school, certification programs, or military over a five-year period. Target: 500
  3. 3. Number of TEMPO participants enrolled in a technical college or higher education institution over a five-year period. Target: 150
  4. 4. Number of TEMPO participants that have found employment paying a “fair” or “living wage” over a five-year period. Target: 100
  5. 5. Number of TEMPO participants completing a GED over a five-year period. Target: 150
  6. 6. Percent increase in teen program participation at the Palmer-Munroe Teen Center. Target: 3% annually


  1. 1. Enhance partnerships with community reentry programs. 
  2. 2.Promote the City’s Explore Program and Junior Cadet Program.
  3. 3. Host annual job fair.
  4. 4. Continue providing free bus passes to our area’s K-12 students.
Quiet Southside Neighborhood

Objective 2B:

Rehabilitate and enhance the existing housing inventory to reduce the cost of living.

  1. 1. Number of homes served annually by energy efficiency grants, audits, and rebates to improve affordability and reduce homeownership housing costs. Target: 6,000
  2. 2. Number of homes rehabilitated and/or receiving emergency repair. Target: 425


  1. 1. Convert vacant student housing units into affordable housing units by working with Community Land Trust.
City employees building a home

Objective 2C:

Facilitate and encourage the construction of affordable housing units.

  1. 1. Number of new affordable homes or rental units built through the Community Land Trust. Target: 35
  2. 2. Number of new homes built as a result of inclusionary housing programs. Target: 60
  3. 3. Number of Habitat for Humanity homes built by City employees. Target: 10
  4. 4. Number of down payment assistance grants awarded, creating pathways to home ownership. Target: 125
  5. 5. Secure funding for Purpose Built Community and redevelopment of an additional 200 dwelling units at the Orange Avenue Housing Complex.


  1. 1. Increase residential density within City limits.
Young boy eating a Farmers Market Peach

Objective 2D:

Support community health and wellness initiatives.

  1. 1. Percent of residents living within 1 mile of a fresh food source. Target: 100%
  2. 2. Create performance matrix to measure Return on Investment (ROI) for Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP) by 2024.


  1. 1. Leverage community resources to increase access to recreational facilities and programs.
  2. 2. Cultivate partnerships to further the implementation of wellness programs.