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Mayor and City Commissioners,

It is my privilege to submit the enclosed proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22). As City Manager, I want to share my optimism for the future of this organization and community through your leadership and direction.

The City of Tallahassee’s mission, vision, and values served us well this past year, pulling together as a community to tackle the impacts of a global pandemic, continuing to grow from calls across the country for social justice, and being a national leader in the delivery of municipal services. Our City staff work tirelessly, ethically, collaboratively, and with integrity every day to provide exceptional citizen services. The City continues to be recognized as a national leader in several ways, such as:

  • Recognition as a Gold level LEED-certified City by the U.S. Green Building Council, an international rating system for communities to benchmark their sustainability and resilience performance relative to peers across the globe. The City excelled in areas such as enhancing and modernizing the City’s public infrastructure, facilitating the construction of affordable housing, leading in environmental stewardship, providing efficient and equitable public transit, and leading in utility service.
  • Leading by receiving the American Public Power Association's top award for System Achievement for the second time in 10 years. The City has committed to numerous sustainability goals and efforts, including moving the community to 100% net clean renewable energy by 2050, the development of a Clean Energy Integrated Resource Plan, electrification of City buses, and installation of publicly available fast charging stations for electric vehicles.
  • Development of the City 2021 Water Quality Report shows that the quality of the City's drinking water surpasses all stringent regulations established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Florida Department of Health (DOH).
  • Recognized nationally for best practices in financial and performance management with continued awarding of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting of the Combined Annual Financial Reports, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and recognition with a Certificate of Achievement in Performance Management by the International City/County Managers Association. The City’s financial standing has also been reaffirmed by the national credit rating agencies with AA bond ratings for our utilities and general government bonds, and with continued receipt of unmodified opinions on the City’s financial statements from our external auditors, the highest opinion that auditors can express on an organization's financial statements,

Our community will continue to meet new and evolving challenges, to learn from the past and strive for a better future. The City’s continued focus on strategic impact and commitment to our values direct the course of the proposed balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22), through intentional investment employee excellence and continued commitment to promoting equity throughout our diverse community.


The total proposed FY22 operating budget is $758.3 million. Of this total, the proposed General Fund budget is $171.2 million while holding the City’s proposed property tax rate constant at 4.1 mills. Our millage rate is the lowest of the 25 largest cities in Florida and has been unchanged for six years. The proposed FY22 capital budget totals $273 million and maintains sound investment in our utilities and in our community assets.

As the City recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the capital plan leverages ARP funding to help support governmental funding, reflects staging of several large infrastructure projects that will begin construction in FY22, and anticipates bond financing within the five-year capital plan for large projects such as the Tallahassee Police Headquarters, Senior Center and Fire Station on Lake Bradford Road. Significant projects include $2 million in recurring Neighborhood First funding, $4.3 million for streets and sidewalks maintenance, $2 million for 10 new sidewalk segments, $34.2 million in Aviation runway and international facility economic development, and $80.5 million in Electric, Water and Wastewater infrastructure master planning activities.

In addition to infrastructure, the City is committed to investing in its greatest asset, its employees. Time and time again, in a pandemic or through regular daily service, City employees are relentlessly focused on achieving our mission to be the national leader in the delivery of public services. Coincidentally, Florida’s minimum wage will transition from $8.56 to $15.00 per hour over the next five years consistent with the voter approved 2019 Constitutional Amendment, and subsequently enacted during the 2021 Legislative Session. Additionally, Florida’s labor market is recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and employers across all sectors are facing difficult challenges in recruiting employees.

In recognition of these shifting market forces, the City is committed to ensuring our employees are properly compensated so that we can continue to attract and retain employees and continue to invest in employee excellence to meet the City’s ambitious mission of national leadership and vision for 2024. The proposed budget recommends compensation budgeted with up to an 11.7% increase in take home pay for employees with family health coverage to support a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the community. Equitable pay ensures opportunity for careers within a sound fiscal framework. This proposed pay plan will ensure continued delivery of public safety, parks and recreation, housing and human services and public infrastructure, while at the same time advancing pandemic restoration plans for neighborhoods.

The recommended pay plan totals $15.4 million across City services and includes:

  • 4.5% across-the-board base pay increase (with a guaranteed minimum of $2,500 salary increase for all employees earning less than $55,555).
  • A 9.0% increase in FlexBucks equating to $177 annually for each employee.
  • An annual reduction of $976 in employee health care insurance costs for employees with family coverage ($500 average reduction in health care costs across all health care plans).
  • A move of 58.5 Other Personnel Services staff to full time employment, increasing the workforce from 2,855.5 to 2,914 for increased service demands in Customer Services, Parking, StarMetro, Parks and Recreation and Solid Waste.
  • A move of all full-time employees to $15 per hour in FY22, and all temporary employees to $15 per hour by FY26.

The proposed budget offers a unique opportunity to invest in the excellence of our City’s workforce, in the diversity of our Tallahassee community, and in collaboration with our neighborhoods to achieve greater equity. In addition to focusing on the employees who have served the community’s needs with dedication over the course of the pandemic, and who continue to serve every day, the FY22 budget includes significant recommended funding to invest directly in our communities, to equip our facilities to better respond to post-pandemic needs, to invest in economic recovery from COVID-19, and address housing and human service needs.

At the May 19, 2021 workshop, the City Commission approved a plan that will provide $18 million in funds for investments and programs to address key community needs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic through:

  • Four homeless shelters.
  • Incentives for affordable rental projects.
  • Down payment assistance programs.
  • Neighborhood resilience measures.
  • Additional Community Human Services Partnership allocations; and
  • Various other efforts ranging from small business support to addressing vaccine hesitancy.

The City and County coordinated their plans to best allocate these resources in the community, providing joint funding of certain programs to maximize service impacts. This coordination was directed by agencies, neighborhoods, and those most impacted by the pandemic. To further this effort, staff from the Neighborhood Affairs division have developed a nationally recognized Neighborhood First Plan framework for several neighborhoods in a way that it can be replicated in other neighborhoods moving forward.

The Bond Community was the first community to go through this process and had their plan funded by the CRA in December of 2018. In the two years since adoption, there have been multiple projects implemented from this plan. Moving forward the following Neighborhood First Plans (* in Southside Action Plan) are either in place or set to come online:

  • Bond Community* - Funded December 2018.
  • Griffin Heights - Plan in draft format as of September 2020.
  • Frenchtown - Currently underway.
  • Providence* - A “refresh” effort will start in 2021.
  • South City* - South City Foundation to determine a collaborative approach to conducting the Neighborhood First planning process.

Connected by City staff, federal, state and local funding, and the neighborhood planning processes, the FY22 Budget will advance the City Commission’s priorities of Economic Development, Impact on Poverty, Organizational Effectiveness, Public Infrastructure, Public Safety, Public Trust, and Quality of Life.


The Proposed FY 2022 Budget reflects the strategic leadership of the Commission, providing clear, intentional direction to address existing and future challenges and guide us to our 200th Anniversary in 2024. In preparation, the City bicentennial celebration will require advance planning over the next two years. As the Mayor’s office is expected to lead the planning effort, $25,000 has been added for related expenditures in FY22 and $50,000 will be added in FY23.

The City is a cornerstone of equitable investment in people and places in our community, and remains focused on furthering our mission, vision, and values, all developed with significant input from both the broader community and internal staff. Similarly, the Proposed FY22 Budget has been developed to reflect input we receive continuously over the course of our service, be it Neighborhood First meetings, voters approving of growth in wages, or in national programs enabling pandemic recovery. With well-directed priorities, the City is positioned to achieve its vision of being “a creative capital city that supports a strong community with vibrant neighborhoods; an innovative economic and educational hub serving diverse and passionate people, protecting our natural resources and preserving our unique character.”

Reese Goad Signature
Reese Goad
City Manager

Introduction & Overview

1.1 Mission
1.2 Strategic Plan
1.3 Budget Overview
1.4 Millage Rate
1.5 Municipal Cost Comparison
1.6 Population & Other Community Statistics

Boardroom available at parkview at Cascades Park
Structure, Policy, and Process

2.1 Organization Chart
2.2 Fund Descriptions and Structures
2.3 Basis of Budgeting
2.4 Financial Policies and Guidelines
2.5 Budget Calendar
2.6 Budget Process

Financial Summaries

3.1 Financial Schedules
3.2 Fund and Reserve Balances
3.3 Revenues
3.4 Long-range Financial Plans
3.5 Internal Service Funds

Capital and Debt

4.1 Capital Improvement Plan and Budget Process
4.2 Highlighted Capital Projects
4.3 Capital Funding Sources
4.4 Debt Goals and Targets
4.5 Bond Ratings Report Card, Maturity Schedules, and Debt Service

Boardroom available at parkview at Cascades Park
Departmental Information

5.1 Position Summary
5.2 City Departments
5.3 Performance Dashboard
5.4 Florida Benchmarking Consortium


6.1 Definitions
6.2 Commonly Used Abbreviations
6.3 Resolutions
6.4 Online Budget Feedback
6.5 Form of Government
6.6 Supplemental Demographic and Economic Informations

FY2023 Budget Overview 1.0

Introduction and Overview

1.1 Mission

The City of Tallahassee, through workshops, surveys, commission retreats, and more, has developed the following vision, mission, critical success factors, values, and priorities. These are the basis for the performance measurement process that each department has implemented.

To be the national leader in the delivery of public service.

A creative capital city that supports a strong community with vibrant neighborhoods; an innovative economic and educational hub serving a diverse and passionate people, protecting our natural resources and preserving our unique character.

• Honor public trust through ethical behavior.
• Provide exceptional citizen service.
• Lead with integrity at every level.
• Collaborate to reach common goals.
• Invest in employee excellence.
• Promote equity and celebrate diversity.

1.2 Strategic Plan

In preparation for its 200th year in 2024, the City developed a comprehensive strategic plan. It was written using citizen engagement, both in-person and online, and with direction from the City Commission. While the budget directs resources for accomplishing one year’s worth of goals and activities, this plan represents the City’s direction for the next five years.

The City’s goals and objectives to be reached by 2024 are detailed below by seven different priority areas. To read the complete 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, click here, and to view progress so far, view the Strategic Plan Dashboard.

View 2021 Year in Review to see progress on the City's priority areas.

Objectives & Priorities

This strategic plan sets the course for the City of Tallahassee to achieve a specific set of priorities, goals, and objectives by 2024. It does so within the context of the community’s longterm Comprehensive Plan and shapes fiscal policy set forth within future annual budget documents.

City Priorities

To achieve our vision, the City Commission has identified seven priority areas to guide service efforts over the next five years.



To advance the City of Tallahassee as a competitive, innovative, and sustainable regional economic hub.

Utility Crew fixing an underground system

Objective 1A:
Enhance and modernize infrastructure to enable capacity for growth.

  • Percent of households in city limits with broadband internet (25 Mbps) coverage. Target: 99%
  • Number of brownfield areas assessed, remediated, or redeveloped within the South Monroe corridor. Target: 20 sites
  • Number of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations installed in utility customers’ homes. Target: 500
  • Miles of aging wastewater pipes upgraded annually. Target: 5.5 miles
  • Complete construction of Customs Facility at Tallahassee International Airport by 2024.
  • Invest $25 million through 2024 in stormwater capacity enhancements to improve water quality, and mitigate flooding, in the urban service area.


Solar Farm

Objective 1B:
Solicit opportunity for new and emerging industries to locate in Tallahassee.

  • Percent of employment in targeted industries. Target: 60%
  • Number of jobs added to the economy annually. Target: 2,500 jobs
  • Gross Domestic Product of Tallahassee Metropolitan Statistical Area. Target: $15 billion
  • Rate of unemployment. Target: Below the State average
  • Total annual exports from the Tallahassee Metropolitan Statistical Area. Target: $350 million by 2024


Tallahasee International Airport

Objective 1C:
Increase Tallahassee International Airport’s economic impact on the region.

  • Dollar value of Tallahassee International Airport’s economic impact. Target: $1 billion
  • Annual total passenger traffic (enplanements and deplanements). Target: one million
  • Annual total cargo (enplaned and deplaned). Target: 22 million pounds
  • Acres of land leased near Tallahassee International Airport. Target: 100 acres

To be a leading community partner that actively connects residents to resources that remove economic and social barriers.

TFLA Students

Objective 2A:
Support education, training, and job readiness for target populations.

  • Percent reduction of disconnected youth. Target: 30%
  • Number of TFLA participants that have moved on to higher education, trade school, certification programs, or military over a five-year period. Target: 500
  • Number of TEMPO participants enrolled in a technical college or higher education institution over a five-year period. Target: 150
  • Number of TEMPO participants that have found employment paying a “fair” or “living wage” over a five-year period. Target: 100
  • Number of TEMPO participants completing a GED over a five-year period. Target: 150
  • Percent increase in teen program participation at the Palmer-Munroe Teen Center. Target: 3% annually


  1. Enhance partnerships with community reentry programs.
  2. Promote the City’s Explore Program and Junior Cadet Program.
  3. Host annual job fair.
  4. Continue providing free bus passes to our area’s K-12 students.


Mural Painting

Objective 2B:
Rehabilitate and enhance the existing housing inventory to reduce the cost of living.

  • Number of homes served annually by energy efficiency grants, audits, and rebates to improve affordability and reduce homeownership housing costs. Target: 6,000
  • Number of homes rehabilitated and/or receiving emergency repair. Target: 425


  1. Convert vacant student housing units into affordable housing units by working with Community Land Trust.


City employees building a home

Objective 2C:
Facilitate and encourage the construction of affordable housing units..

  • Number of new affordable homes or rental units built through the Community Land Trust. Target: 35
  • Number of new homes built as a result of inclusionary housing programs. Target: 60
  • Number of Habitat for Humanity homes built by City employees. Target: 10
  • Number of down payment assistance grants awarded, creating pathways to home ownership. Target: 125
  • Secure funding for Purpose Built Community and redevelopment of an additional 200 dwelling units at the Orange Avenue Housing Complex.


  1. Increase residential density within City limits.


Young Girl buying fruit

Objective 2D:

Support community health and wellness initiatives.

  • Percent of residents living within 1 mile of a fresh food source. Target: 100%
  • Create performance matrix to measure Return on Investment (ROI) for Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP) by 2024.


  1. Leverage community resources to increase access to recreational facilities and programs.
  2. Cultivate partnerships to further the implementation of wellness programs.


To be an impact-focused workforce that is inclusive, pioneering, and technology-driven.

Starmetro Staff

Objective 3A:
Attract, develop, and support the best talent.

  • Rate of total employee turnover. Target: 6.5%
  • Median number of days to fill a position from advertisement to offer. Target: 60 days
  • Rate of employee satisfaction on annual Employee Engagement & Satisfaction surveys. Target: 90%
  • Identification of City employees proficient in Spanish or American Sign Language.
  • Grow employee participation in professional development programs by 10 percent by 2024.


  1. Recruit employees from local educational and vocational training centers.
  2. Have a City workforce that is reflective of community’s demographics.
  3. Develop and implement a City-wide Talent Development Plan.


traffic office

Objective 3B:
Leverage technology to deliver faster, more convenient services.

  • Percent of payments received digitally. Target: 80%
  • Implement online customer service and inquiry portal by 2022.


  1. Implement fully paperless internal services.


Utility trucks on the move

Objective 3C:
Map, analyze, and improve all work processes.

  • Rate of availability for City fleet. Target: 96%
  • Percent of budget document receiving ”Outstanding” ratings from the Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA). Target: 25%
  • Achieve Sterling designation for Human Resources by 2022.
  • Attain status as a “Top 100 Fleet.”


  1. Map, analyze, and enhance all departments’ procedures and processes.
  2. Evaluate service departments based on the customers they serve.
  3. Develop customer-centric service model within Procurement.


Utility team fixing a line

Objective 3D:
Maintain the City’s strong financial standing and fiscal stewardship practices.

  • Percent of general employee pension funded. Target: 90%
  • Percent increase of annual grant awards. Target: 5%


  1. Maintain a fully funded deficiency fund, in accordance with City policy.
  2. Maintain best-in-class municipal “AA” Bond rating.


To be the leading publicly owned utility that supports a growing and progressive community.

To be a city with an efficient public transit network supported by well-connected roads, sidewalks, transit amenities, and public transportation.

Utility crews working to fix a broken pole

Objective 4A:
Be a leader in utility service delivery.

  • Average customer outage response time for electric outages. Target: Less than 40 minutes
  • Average customer outage response time for gas problems. Target: Less than 30 minutes
  • Rate of availability for utility services (electric, gas, water, and sewer systems). Target: 99%
  • Dollars invested in sewer collection system upgrades. Target: $61.3 million Target: 8.5%
  • Provide electric and gas utility bills at or below the statewide average.


Citizens picking up trash

Objective 4B:
Be a leader in environmental stewardship.

  • Percent of electric, hybrid electric, and CNG vehicles within inventory of City’s Light Duty Fleet by 2024. Target: 25%
  • Tonnage of recyclables collected annually. Target: 13,000 tons annually & 75% recycling participation rate
  • Develop and adopt the City’s Clean Energy Plan for 2050 by 2024.
  • Remain a Top 3 municipal leader in the prevention of sewer spills during the next five years.
  • Reduce the number of impaired water bodies.


  1. Continue the reduction of total greenhouse gas emissions for the City’s electric utility.
  2. Improve water quality by reducing harmful discharge and runoff.



Objective 4C:
Ensure safe and clean drinking water.

  • Win the “Best Tasting Drinking Water in Florida” award.
  • Complete construction of new water quality laboratory by 2021.
  • Invest $44.9 million in the enhancement and maintenance of the potable water system over the next five years.
  • Secure funding to continue the TAPP program over the next five years.


  1. Maintain best in class water quality.


Two bikers trafeling aross the padestrian bridge

Objective 4D:
Enhance the city’s network of roads, bike lanes, and sidewalks.

  • Percent of City-maintained roads rated as “Good,” “Very Good,” or “Excellent.” Target: 70%
  • Percent increase of annual grant awards. Target: 5%
  • Complete Weems road and mixed-use trail project by 2024.
  • Become a “Gold Standard” Biking Community by 2024.


  1. Increase percentage of residents using alternative modes of transportation to/from work.


Starmetro Bus

Objective 4E:
Ensure public transit is accessible, efficient, and equitable.

  • Rate of on-time transit performance. Target: 90%
  • Complete construction of a multi-modal transportation hub at C.K. Steele Plaza by 2022.
  • Construction of the South City Transit Center by 2022.

To be a safe, resilient, and inclusive community.

Police officer with kids

Objective 5A:
Implement proactive community-based solutions to enhance public safety.

  • Number of neighborhoods participating in neighborhood watch programs. Target: 45%
  • Number of community-oriented policing activities held annually. Target: 35
  • Number of Community Liaison Officers deployed. Target: 15


  1. Increase public and private partnerships for citizen maintained and installed camera technology.
  2. Increase the number of neighborhoods participating in the Neighborhood Public Safety Initiative.


Police with citizens

Objective 5B:
Crime prevention through effective policing and public awareness campaigns.

  • Rate of annual success for all TEMPO participants. Target: 10% or less
  • Reduce vehicle burglaries through crime prevention and community partnerships to reduce the number of stolen firearms. Target: 15
  • Reduce violent crimes by partnering with community leaders and other law enforcement agencies. Target: 10%


  1. Enhance specialized knowledge needed to address cybercrime.


Firefighter teaching kids

Objective 5C:
Training and readiness of public safety employees.

  • Number of training hours per police officer annually. Target: 3
  • Number of emergency preparedness training hours conducted, including training and exercises. Target: 5


  1. Increase annual community-oriented policing, sensitivity, fair and impartial policing, and de-escalation training for TPD officers.


Firefighter teaching civilians

Objective 5D:
Provide state of the art technology to support public safety initiatives.

  • Percent of the City covered by ALS certified fire stations. Target: 100%


  1. Implementation of license plate reader (LPR) technology at strategic locations in the city to enhance traffic and public safety.
  2. Enhance City capabilities to proactively detect criminal activity.


Build your bucket checklist

Objective 5E:
Enhance community preparedness initiatives.

  • Number of attendees at disaster preparedness events. Target: 1,250
  • Number of neighborhoods with PREP plans in-place. Target: 5
  • Number of active shooter training seminars annually. Target: 25
  • Facilitate annual table-top preparedness exercise for all response agencies.


  1. Identify faith centers that will serve as potential recovery staging sites for distribution of water, meals, and emergency goods.
  2. Facilitate annual large-scale community preparedness scenario, integrating all response and medical agencies.


Northwood Demo

Objective 5F:
Create modern facilities to support community engagement and best-in-class public safety.

  • Complete construction and begin operations at the new Public Safety Campus by 2024.


  1. Increase economic multiplier effect of police headquarters on the community and surrounding neighborhoods.


To enhance public trust through ethical business practices and transparent governance.

S.S. Tallahassee Bell

Objective 6A:
Infuse ethical practices into daily operations.

  • Rate of compliance for annual employee ethics training. Target: 100%
  • Rate of compliance for elected and appointed officials submitting financial disclosures with the State of Florida. Target: 35
  • Adopt a No-Gift policy for all City employees by 2024.


  1. Increase public and private partnerships for citizen maintained and installed camera technology.
  2. Increase the number of neighborhoods participating in the Neighborhood Public Safety Initiative.


Frenchtown Get Down

Objective 6B:
Enhance citizens’ access to city government operations and public meetings.

  • Implement digital town hall at City Commission meetings by 2021.


  1. Enhance online transparency portal for registered lobbyists, city vendors, and the City’s budget.
  2. Regularly inform the public of progress toward achieving the targets within the 2024 Strategic Plan.
  3. Implement data-sharing with local law enforcement partners.


To be a creative and inclusive community with beautiful public spaces that protect and promote resources and culture.

Bond Linear Park

Objective 7A:
Maintain a safe, accessible, well-maintained network of parks, recreational facilities, greenways, and trails.

  • Number of parks by 2024. Target: 100 parks
  • Percent of residents of living within a 10-minute walk of a park or open space. Target: 100%
  • Number of participants in City Parks and Recreation programs. Target: 612,000
  • Complete construction of Market District Park by 2024.
  • Complete construction of the second Senior Center by 2024.
  • Achieve CAPRA accreditation (Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies) from the National Recreation and Parks Association by 2024.


  1. Continue with the implementation of Greenways Master Plan projects.


Southside neighborhood

Objective 7B:
Enhance livability and preserve the unique characteristics of neighborhoods.

  • Number of neighborhoods with an established liaison. Target: 225 neighborhoods
  • Number of sidewalk projects completed annually. Target: 10
  • Rate of voluntary compliance by property owners for code violations. Target: 90%
  • Percent of urban forest tree canopy coverage. Target: 55%
  • Achieve 30 consecutive years of “Tree City USA” status.


  1. Facilitate neighborhood entry signage and placemaking.


Elf Night at Dortothy B Oven

Objective 7C:
Keep residents and visitors informed about events and attractions in Tallahassee.

  • Establish a Historic District / Museum Walk by 2024.


  1. Increase attendance at City-organized and City-sponsored festivals and cultural events year over year.
  2. Increase diversity and variety of City-sponsored events.
  3. Provide multiple platforms to inform citizens of local culture and City events.

1.3 Budget Overview


The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the lives of everyone in the community, nation, and globe. People the world over wonder if the pandemic has changed the way that we will work, live, and play. For some, it may have completely altered how we interact with cities.

At the very least, the response to the crisis led to a rattled economy with aftershocks that the City will feel in the new fiscal year. While partially recovered, unemployment is higher than the year before and many small businesses supported by our citizens have closed their doors for good.

The City of Tallahassee is fortunate to have diverse revenue streams and considerable size to absorb and mitigate the effects. Student populations are expected to be down 20% which will affect utility revenues, and State of Florida revenue sharing will decline. Despite these challenges, the City is committed to providing the same level of services for all activities in fiscal year 2021.

As an employer, the organization had provided raises to its employees consistently over the years. With the expected declines in proceeds, foregoing employee raises was necessary to provide a balanced budget. It was, however, able to retain all employees without position cuts. The City Commission, acknowledging the tireless work provided by staff through the pandemic, maintained a position of finding some way to compensate employees despite a year without raises.

Many staff refrained from using personal leave, both due to safety concerns and for lack of available options, causing high vacation hour balances for employees. In response to its desire to compensate employees, the City made available a one-time leave buy back for up to 80 hours of accrued leave. This has the dual benefit of supporting employees and decreasing leave liabilities.

Through intense negotiations, City leadership signed new agreements with its health insurance providers and lowered the employees’ paid share for coverage. On average, employees will now contribute 25% of their coverage cost with a goal of 20% on the horizon. Higher healthcare costs have created some recruitment issues as other local employers provide very generous benefits packages. This shift will help to address this long-term recruitment issue.


Health Options - Retain 2020 health plan provision for 2021 and adjust the Employee/City share to an average of 25/75 from 30/70. Single rate complies with ACA Affordability.

Premium FY21 Monthly Premium Average 25/75
Employee City Total EE% City%
Employee Only 104.16 629.50 733.66 14% 86%
Employee +1 366.90 1,115.62 1,482.52 25% 75%
Family 725.90 1,290.66 2,016.56 36% 64%


Finally, over 500 City staff earning less than $20 per hour received a $1,000 bonus at the start of the fiscal year. This helps those that are more likely to have trouble making ends meet in a year when across the board raises are not possible.

The road to a balanced budget does not always happen with ritualized resources. The federal CARES Act, passed in fiscal year 2020, supports lost revenues in the new year. With the Great Recession still in its rearview mirror, the federal government had learned many lessons. Legislatures understood that when local governments are forced to cut jobs, not only are critical services lost to communities but the economic recovery becomes more difficult.

CARES Act grant awards were given to StarMetro, the City’s bussing service, the Airport, and Housing and Community Resilience. Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) dollars, while not given directly to the City, were provided to Leon County which will allocate some of those resources to its only municipality.

In the face of an economic recession, the City maintains its commitment to offer the same level of services as the year before. This is possible in part due to a sacrifice made by employees as well as the federal government’s response with grant funding.

Black Lives Matter mural in Tallahassee

A pandemic was not the only event to sweep the nation in 2020 but also a movement for increased law enforcement accountability, especially when officers use force. A theme of increasing community engagement emerged during the development of the fiscal year 2021 budget. After meeting with peaceful demonstrators and organizers, the City developed three new means for interacting with the public related to law enforcement.

  • A Citizens Police Review Board that inspects completed internal affairs investigations and provides recommendations.
  • The Tallahassee Police Department’s Citizens Advisory Council that strengthens the relationship between law enforcement and the community.
  • The Youth Citizens’ Advisory Council creates open dialogue about issues impacting Tallahassee’s youth.

Crime is complex. There is much more to criminal activity than “bad people doing bad things”. When faced with a convergence of concentrated poverty, limited economic opportunities, and shortfalls in education, a person may choose crime out of desperation or a lack of hopeful outcomes for themselves or their families. The City of Tallahassee recognizes this and does not rely solely upon policing to fight crime. Sometimes what a community facing crime needs is not to have their hands cuffed but to receive helping hands. In fiscal year 2021, the City will fund several programs to achieve these ends.

Tallahassee Engaged in Meaningful Productivity for Opportunity (TEMPO)

Disconnected youth are teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither working nor in school. Tallahassee’s largest potential gun violence victims and offender pools can be found within this group of Disconnected Youth. This vulnerable group includes high school dropouts, those with prior criminal history, or those aging out of foster care. Without workforce training, vocational skills, diplomas, Disconnected Youth become further disengaged from the productive facets of society and therefore subject to the appeal of criminal activity.  

TEMPO, a City of Tallahassee community engagement and public safety youth program, steers Disconnected Youth to more viable alternatives. Program identifies, engages, and reconnects this group to educational and employment opportunities. Through these activities, the program can help to end cycles of poverty, reduce crime by providing economic hope, and reconnecting local youth with the community. 

By 2024, TEMPO aims to reduce the percentage of disconnected youth by 30%, impacting the lives of over 2,100 youth. The fiscal year 2021 budgets for an increase in staffing and resources for this effort.

Mental Health Crisis Response Unit (Pilot)

While many first responders are trained in dealing with individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, they are not always best equipped to deal with the myriad of service requests that come through the Consolidated Dispatch Agency (9-1-1 call center). Several cities across the country have begun to redirect calls for nonviolent, crisis situations away from law enforcement to a designated response team of trained mental health and social work professionals.

The fiscal year 2021 budget includes a new crisis intervention response unit consisting of a licensed mental health professional, a TFD Paramedic or EMT, and a CIT trained TPD officer. This team is equipped to provide immediate medical or psychological stabilization, as well as assessment, and referral for additional services beyond the initial incident.

If proven effective, the program could evolve into a 24/7 response unit to include additional human service partners who may provide services during the time of response or provide proactive outreach to vulnerable communities to mitigate crisis situations. In one highly successful model in Eugene, Oregon, the response teams have diverted 18% of overall emergency call volume and saved over $8M in public safety spending annually.

Tallahassee Future Leaders Academy (TFLA)

TFLA is a premier leadership program that provides teens with mentorship and summer employment for well over one hundred participants annually.

The trainings related to job readiness, leadership, careers, customer service, financial literacy, and college campus enrichment open new opportunities that may not otherwise be available. Partnerships with local institutions of higher education enhance youth exposure to college campuses.

Housing Programs

Increases in the rate of home ownership have shown to be linked to declines in both property and violent crimes. While the reason behind this relationship is not completely understood, homeowners likely form deeper connections of social and economic investment with the community. These connections lead to stronger social bonds that spread, affecting many characteristics of the area, but also reducing crime. Homeowners are likely to care more for their properties and their street, as well as lead stable lives and less likely to commit crimes themselves. 

The City operates several housing programs with multiple goals in mind, including assisting lower income individuals and families, and reducing the impact of reducing crime.  

  • Habitat for Humanity Partnership
    Habitat for Humanity’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward that vision by building strength, stability, and self-reliance, in partnership with families in need of respectable and affordable housing. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes, alongside volunteers, and they pay an affordable mortgage on their home. The City provides both funding and volunteer hours (more than 1,335 hours to date) to build Habitat houses. 
  • Emergency Home Repair Program  The Emergency Home Repair Program aims to improve the living conditions of low-income homeowners by removing health and safety hazards and/or architectural barriers from their homes. EHRP is designed to make emergency repairs and accessibility improvements to homes owned and occupied by income-eligible persons. 
  • Code Enforcement Repair Program 
    The Code Enforcement Repair Program provides monetary assistance to owner-occupied, income-eligible homeowners who have received notice of exterior code violations, while improving and preserving neighborhoods. To help make needed repairs to bring the home into compliance, $2500/unit is made available as a forgivable loan.
  • Storm Damage Mitigation Program 
    The Storm Damage Mitigation Program provides grant assistance to low-income homeowners to harden their homes against future storms or natural events.
  • Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program  The rehabilitation and preservation of owner-occupied housing has been identified as a key priority for the City of Tallahassee. Committed to improving the quality of affordable housing, the City allocates a substantial portion of its annual housing budget to the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program (OOR). The goal of OOR is to enhance and strengthen neighborhoods through the rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing. 
  • Inclusionary Housing 
    The Tallahassee City Commission passed an ordinance in 2005, requiring new developments in certain areas of the City with 50 housing units or more, to sell 10 percent of their units at an affordable price. The sales price range is established by the ordinance. Developers can pay a fee instead of building the units. The money collected is used to build future affordable housing units. The units are sold to income-eligible homebuyers and are subject to re-sale restrictions. 

Neighborhood First

Neighborhood safety is about more than just the absence of crime. It is about the opportunity for residents to build relationships with each other and enjoy vibrant public spaces, accessible social supports, infrastructure that supports resiliency in times of stress, and a shared trust between government and its constituents to allow for partnership at all levels. The City of Tallahassee works with neighborhoods to build partnerships that proactively address crime prevention, disaster response, and safe community spaces. 

Neighborhood First is a multistep planning process that assists neighborhoods who are participating in the Neighborhood Public Safety Initiative (NPSI). Neighborhoods develop an action plan to address community priorities. NPSI addresses public safety by focusing on crime prevention and education, community beautification, community empowerment, and volunteerism. 

Sustainability, Community Preparedness, and Resilience

Both single catastrophic events and long-term sustained pressures, such as concentrated poverty, can cause a community to experience increases in criminal activity. For the City of Tallahassee, resilience is about strengthening the reliability of infrastructure, protecting a robust natural environment and local economy, building up our adaptive capacity, and empowering self-sufficiency across the community. The Resilience Office partners across city government and stakeholders to build our community’s capacity to thrive in the face external threats or internal weaknesses. The Office develops a cohesive long-range strategy and oversees the integration of effective initiatives throughout city plans, programs, and policies. 

Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP)

CHSP helps prevent criminal activity through a multitude of approaches, from helping those with addictions which can result in seeking illegal sources of income, to serving as catalysts for economic or educational opportunities to ascend out of poverty. 

This is an innovative collaboration between Leon County and the City of Tallahassee. It was established to most effectively distribute community funds for human services. Historically, cities are less often involved in providing human service funding to nonprofits, as states and the federal government offer these organizations grants and contracts. By providing funding, this program can multiply the resources available to the community. While the City cannot fund all the activities for these nonprofits, agencies use local financing to bring additional state and federal dollars for the benefit of the community. 

The funded organizations all have different approaches that can ‘holistically’ impact crime, whether through affecting youth far before legal transgressions occur, or assisting those with mental-health issues.

StarMetro – Public Transportation

The City administers a comprehensive bus transportation system with over 15 routes, including night and weekend service. Each fare is provided at a reduced price to passengers below the actual cost of the ride itself, while some residents ride for free. 

This public transportation allows for lower-income workers access to more workable hours and employment than would otherwise be available for those without personal vehicles or to augment their own transportation such as a bike or scooter. Without this mobility, some would be without work and more likely to engage in criminal activity. It also allows for riders to save money otherwise spent on personal transportation to save money for education or starting a business so they may increase their income in the future, or to accrue enough for a down-payment on a home. 

While the bus system is supported by some fares and grants, the City transfers over $6 million per year to allow for reduced and free fares for many citizens who need it most. With Leon County Schools allowing for additional options for students to attend schools outside of their zones, StarMetro allows for K-12 students to ride for free. This opens educational opportunities and options unavailable to many citizens before because students must find their own transportation to attend schools outside of their zone.

Parks & Recreation (P&R) – Youth Activities

P&R operates several Community Centers that engage with the general public and juveniles at-risk for criminal behavior;

The Palmer Monroe Teen Center is especially designed to involve youth. The Center creates a positive environment for local teens to reduce conflict throughout the community. The Center focuses on attractive programming, adult mentoring, educational assistance, restorative justice collaboration, and the use of cutting-edge initiatives developed to engage teens through skills-based training, fun and safe entertainment outlets, and community service involvement. 


In their totality, these programs account for $47.5 million of the budget, and deploy 361.5 FTEs, which is higher than that used for law enforcement. Every year, the City exhibits its versatility in a comprehensive approach in the ways it seeks to solve complex, multi-layer social issues.  Further, these solutions are measured and re-visited each year through the budget process to ensure effective outcomes in this community service/public safety investment. 

Beyond these programs, City employees make a difference in this community with their own dollars and time. Before the pandemic thwarted many philanthropic efforts, employees participated in a variety of efforts in the previous two years: 

  • United Way contributions of $101,249 
  • Relay for Life fund raising of $17,847, more than $95,000 over the last six years, with 400 volunteer hours 
  • 5,714 pounds of non-perishable food donated for America’s Second Harvest of the Big Bend. Combined with cash donations from StarMetro’s partners, this provided more than 4,762 meals for residents in need 
  • Over 240 pints of blood donated by City Employees from City Hall, the Gemini Building, and the Water department in a single year 
  • More than $125,000 donated to community organizations via payroll deduction, with over $434,000 during the past four years 

In short, the City of Tallahassee will continue to innovate, approaching age-old issues and novel crises with both classic and cutting-edge solutions. The City can support its current efforts while exploring state-of-the-art programs, because we strive, every day, to be the national leader public service. 



1.4 Millage Rate

The millage rate is the amount per $1,000 used to calculate ad valorem taxes (property taxes). The rate is multiplied by the total taxable value to determine the property taxes due.

The millage for FY21 for the City of Tallahassee remained at 4.1000 Mills. Compared to similar cities such as Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville, Lakeland and West Palm Beach, Tallahassee has the lowest millage rate.

2021 Millage Rates - Fort Lauderdale: 4.3443, Gainesville: 5.2974, Lakeland: 5.5644, West Palm Beach: 8.3465


1.5 Municipal Cost Comparison

When measuring costs to citizens, the City compares itself to a group of eleven cities that share similar demographics, services provided, and square miles served. The Municipal Cost Comparison below contrasts what citizens, both residential and commercial, pay for municipal services.

City utilities undergo regular fee studies to ensure that costs for services are recovered and paid for by those that benefit. The municipal cost comparison, however, demonstrates the competitiveness of rates compared to peer cities across the state. The City ranks as one of the most affordable to citizens year after year.



1.6 Population & Other Community Statistics

Tallahassee experiences consistent population growth. The City plans for a continued increase of its services. When making infrastructure decisions, the organization considers not just today’s demands but also tomorrow’s needs.

To view other statistics and trends that formulate the budget and plans for the City, please click here to read the Supplemental Demographic and Economic Information section.