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Public Trust

City of Tallahassee Coin
  • City of Tallahassee
City of Tallahassee

Public Trust

To enhance public trust through ethical business practices and transparent governance.

Tallahassee park

Objective 6A:

Infuse ethical practices into daily operations.

  1. 1. Rate of compliance for annual employee ethics training. Target: 100%
  2. 2. Rate of compliance for elected and appointed officials submitting financial disclosures with the State of Florida. Target: 100%
  3. 3. Adopt a No-Gift policy for all City employees by 2024.


Longest Table

Objective 6B:

Enhance citizens’ access to city government operations and public meetings.

  1. 1. Implement digital town hall at City Commission meetings by 2021.


  1. 1. Enhance online transparency portal for registered lobbyists, city vendors, and the City’s budget.
  2. 2. Regularly inform the public of progress toward achieving the targets within the 2024 Strategic Plan.
  3. 3. Implement data-sharing with local law enforcement partners.