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As part of its commitment to ensuring reliable service, the City of Tallahassee is planning a water utility improvement project along Orange Avenue between South Adams Street and Wahnish Way (see map below).

The project is to upgrade and replace approximately 2,500 linear feet of water main. The project also seeks to improve capacity and fire protection by upsizing the mains and adding additional fire hydrants. Construction is anticipated to begin winter 2022/2023 and take approximately four months to complete.

Lane closures within the work zone will be required during construction. Access to businesses, residences, educational institutions and public facilities will be maintained.

This project represents the significant investment by the City to maintain and improve our potable water system. If you have questions or comments regarding these planned activities, please contact Brian Moody, who is managing the project, at 850-891-6163 or

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the project’s scope?
    The Orange Avenue Water Main Replacement project includes the replacement of existing potable water infrastructure in Orange Avenue from Wahnish Way to S. Adams Street. The project will replace approximately 2,500 linear feet of existing 8-inch diameter water main with 12-inch water main and associated valves, services, meters, and fire hydrants.
  2. What are the benefits of this project?
    This project seeks to replace aging utility infrastructure to reduce service interruptions due to maintenance and repair activities. This will allow the City to continue providing reliable, quality service for area businesses and residents. The project seeks to improve capacity and fire protection by upsizing the mains and adding additional fire hydrants.
  3. Who is managing/administering the project?
    Design Project Manager: Brian Moody, P.E., with the City of Tallahassee Contact:
  4. When will the project begin, and how long it will last?
    The project is currently in the design phase. The project is expected to be advertised for bids in July 2022, and construction is expected to begin in October 2022 and last for approximately four months.
  5. What will the contractor’s working hours be?
    Per FDOT Permit #2022-H-392-00022, the contractor’s work hours will be 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend and daytime work will be at the discretion of FDOT.
  6. Are road closures expected?
    Intermittent lane closures will occur within the work zone. The work zone will progress in phases along Orange Avenue.
  7. What can be expected in terms of restoration?
    Most of the work will occur in the roadway. All disturbed areas will be restored to their previous condition, including replacement of sod, sidewalk, driveways, etc., where impacted by construction activities. The existing asphalt will be patched after the utilities have been installed, and the roadway will be restored per FDOT requirements after the completion of the utility project.
Version: 3875 (6/24/2022 3:45 PM) |