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To enhance safety and mobility options in the area, the City of Tallahassee is developing plans for sidewalk improvements along West Sixth Avenue from Old Bainbridge Road to North Monroe Street. The project aims to construct approximately 4,550 linear feet of new sidewalk along West Sixth Avenue.

Prior to the project moving to the design phase, the City is meeting with residents to gather input on the proposed design options. This feedback is being used to inform the project’s next steps.

The City hosted an in-person community meeting on August 4, 2022, and February 1, 2023, to share current design options and project details. Staff from the City’s Underground Utilities & Public Infrastructure Department were present to discuss the project and answer questions. New feedback can be shared via the form below.

Additional community outreach will be done as this project moves forward.

For questions or comments, or if you were unable to attend but would like information, please contact Molly Levesque, Project Manager with the City, at 850-891-2862 or

Concept Plans


Feedback Form

Please enter your email address and any feedback below.

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