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Responsible for providing up to date information on the primary topic areas in law enforcement, the Training Section is staffed by agency experts who develop, implement, coordinate, and/or teach firearms, defensive tactics, response to resistance, and emergency vehicle operations training, as well as training in other required/advanced general police topics. The Training Section also hosts various courses provided by professional instructors and training centers from around the country. As a courtesy, we open many of the courses we host to other agencies in the area.

If you have any questions about future courses, or need any other assistance, please call 850-891-4368.

Employee Resources

This office is responsible for completing a variety of tasks and documentation related to multiple aspects of recruiting, selecting, and hiring TPD employees. Employee Resources is also tasked with oversight of personnel and medical records, payroll information, and data pertaining to sworn and civilian positions. The office also has a role in grievances, discipline, injury claims, and multiple other personnel-related issues. 

Mayoral Liaison

Appointed by the Mayor, the following individuals are liaisons serving as an accessible and friendly ear to Tallahassee’s LGBTQ+ community and elevating LGBTQ related concerns to city executives and officials.

Sergeant Maria Mercurio -
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