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Weekday Bus Route: San Luis

StarMetro San Luis Route Icon

MONDAY - FRIDAY, 6 a.m. - 6:54 p.m.
Bus arrives every: 60 min

Macon Community, Hospital - TMH, C.K. Steele Plaza

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Going SOUTH ⇩ (use the chart below to head from top to bottom on the map above)

Destination Arrivals
(6 a.m. - 6:54 p.m.)
Stop 04 on the map Bermuda Rd./ Meridian Rd. every hour on the :30
Stop 05 on the map John Knox Rd./N. Monroe St. every hour on the :35
Stop 05 on the map E. Bradford Rd./Thomasville Rd. every hour on the :39
Hospital on the map Hospital - TMH every hour on the :45
Stop 06 on the map N. Magnolia Dr./E. Tennessee St. every hour on the :47
C.K. Steele Plaza on the map C.K. Steele Plaza GATE 10 every hour on the :54

Going NORTH (use the chart below to head from bottom to top on the map above)

Destination Arrivals
(6 a.m. - 6:54 p.m.)
C.K. Steele Plaza on the map C.K. Steele Plaza GATE 10 every hour on the :00
Stop 04 on the map N. Magnolia Dr./E. Tennessee St. every hour on the :03
Hospital on the map Hospital - TMH every hour on the :04
Stop 03 on the map E. Bradford Rd./Thomasville Rd. every hour on the :10
Stop 05 on the map N. Monroe St./Allen Rd. every hour on the :16
Stop 01 on the map Bermuda Rd./Meridian Rd. every hour on the :30
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C.K. Steele Bus Plaza Gate Map
Route Detours