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Natural Gas | FAQs

An aerial view of a Tallahassee neighborhood.

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a mother and daughter put laundry into a gas-powered clothes dryer.
a family cooks a meal together around a gas-powered range.
a family cooks a meal together around a gas-powered range.
Do natural gas appliances cost less to operate than electric or propane appliances?

Yes. When you use natural gas to heat water, heat your home or cook food, you are directly using the clean burning power of natural gas. Natural gas appliances are more efficient and less expensive than comparative electric appliances, and compared to propane, natural gas is cleaner and less expensive.

Is natural gas available in my neighborhood?

You can use our interactive utilities map to see if natural gas is available on your specific street.

Are natural gas appliance rebates offered for new homes, as well as existing homes?

Yes, you can find more information about our Natural Gas Rebate Program here.

If I move into a home or an apartment with natural gas appliances, should I call the City of Tallahassee to turn on the gas service and light the appliance pilot lights?

Yes. The City's electric and water utility services may be turned on without the customer present. Natural gas, on the other hand, requires a customer to be present. You should call 850-891-4968 to schedule an appointment for natural gas service turn-on and pilot lighting.

How do I request a natural gas connection to my home?

Your heating or plumbing professional will make that request for you when he/she requests a City of Tallahassee permit for a natural gas appliance installation.

What is the cost for a natural gas pipe connection from the street to my home?

The gas "tap" is the gas pipe extending underground from the natural gas main in the street to the gas meter beside your home. The tap fee is $50. This fee is waived if you connect a natural gas water heater. With the $675 rebate available to customers, this fee waiver will help you save additional money when upgrading to natural gas appliances.

As the customer, you would hire your own heating or plumbing professional to extend the black steel pipe from your meter inward toward your natural gas appliance.

How long does it take to get the natural gas pipe connection?

On average, it takes one to two weeks.

Could I have some natural gas appliances installed now and others at a later date?

Yes, but it saves money to install the natural gas piping at current and future gas appliance locations all at once. By installing the piping at once – even if you don't connect the appliances until later – you'll save money on service calls.

What do I need to know about my gas meter?
  • Keep your gas meter accessible and clear of obstructions so that city staff can conduct meter reading, inspection, repair, testing, and exchanging.
  • Be sure to keep the landscaping near your meter trimmed for accessibility.
  • Know that city gas employees may need access to the meter even if it is enclosed behind a fence.
Does the City turn off its natural gas distribution during or after a hurricane?


Do we only provide gas in Leon County?

No, we provide gas to customers in the Leon, Gadsden, and Wakulla areas.

Are natural gas emergency backup generators available?

Yes. Check with your local home improvement store, hardware store or the internet for availability and pricing.

Who can I call if I have questions about natural gas availability, installing contractors, appliance efficiency and emergency generators?

Call the City of Tallahassee Natural Gas Utilities at 850-891-5112.

Do you have any additional questions?