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Sewer Rate Calculations

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Limit Water Use in Winter to Lower Your Sewer Cost in Summer!

To help both our local environment and your utility bill's bottom line, examine how you use water in your home. Be aware that your winter water usage determines your sewer charges, up to a limit, for the year. Each April, the City establishes your residential maximum sewer charge for the next 12 months, based on the 4 prior water bills. Use water wisely in winter. Your protective "upper limit" sewer charge, which is the most you will be charged in any month during the following 12 months, is set at your highest water usage level on bills dated December, January, February, and March.

Why the four winter months?

Typically, most customers use large amounts of water during the hot summer months - watering lawns and gardens, taking frequent showers, washing cars, and so on. Customers usually reduce their water usage in winter. So to establish your Sewer Maximum, the City uses the winter months when your water use should be a good deal less than in summer.