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The Wastewater Treatment Division provides for the pumping of wastewater from the Wastewater Collection System to the Thomas P. Smith (TPS) Water Reclamation Facility. The TPS facility has a capacity to treat 26.5 million gallons of wastewater a day that meets and exceeds all local, state and federal permit standards. The wastewater treatment process insures the public trust by protecting the health, welfare and safety of our community and our precious natural water environment.

Sewer Rates

Residential Sewer Rates

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $18.91 per month
Usage Rates  
Sewer Rate $0.604 per cgal*

*cgal - 100 gallon

Since sewer usage can't be metered, sewer charges are based on your monthly metered water use, up to an established maximum. Each April, the City calculates your maximum residential sewer charge based on your metered water consumption from your four winter bills dated December, January, February, and March. Your upper limit sewer charge, the most you will be charged in any month during the following 12 months, is established by using the highest water consumption of those four winter bills.  Sewer surcharge outside City of Tallahassee = 50%.

Find more on how your Residential Maximum Sewer Charge is calculated.

Commercial Sewer Rates

Monthly Fees
Meter Size Customer Charge
5/8" Meter $18.91 per month
1" Meter $47.28 per month
1.5" Meter $94.53 per month
2" Meter $151.26 per month
3" Meter $302.48 per month
4" Meter $472.61 per month
6" Meter $945.22 per month
8" Meter $1512.39 per month
Usage Rates  
Sewer Rate** $0.604 per cgal* of usage

*cgal - 100 gallon
**Separate metering required to avoid sewer charges on irrigation or evaporative cooling tower uses.

Commercial accounts pay sewer charges on all water usage. Sewer surcharge outside City of Tallahassee - 50%.

Pretreatment Program

The Industrial Pretreatment Section regulates the discharge of wastes into the sanitary sewer system in order to protect the City wastewater facilities, employee health and to prevent the discharge of hazardous substances that would pass through the treatment process to the environment. In 1992 the City of Tallahassee adopted the Sewer Use Ordinance. In 2018 the ordinance was updated for compliance to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Requirements.

Tallahassee Code Sections Sections 21-346 through 21-381, and the Sewer Use Policy prohibit the discharge of certain substances and establish acceptable discharge limitations for others. They also provide a framework for an Industrial Pretreatment Program that uses site inspections and discharge analysis as the basis for achieving compliance. The discharge requirements are applicable to both residential and industrial customers. Industrial users (businesses) are routinely inspected. Download the entire Sewer Use Manual (pdf) or obtain a hard copy from the Industrial Pretreatment Office at 4505-A Springhill Rd.

The following business activities are of primary interest to us:

  • Automotive
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Food Service
  • Photo Processing & Printing
  • Commercial Vehicle Wash Facilities
  • Metal Plating & Coating Facilities
  • Commercial Laundries
  • Dental & Other Health Facilities

If you have questions or need further information contact:

Industrial Pretreatment Section
4505-A Springhill Road, Tallahassee, FL 32310
Phone: 850-891-4968 | Fax: 850-891-1062 | TDD: 711

Version: 3027 (3/16/2017 8:25 AM) |