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Commission Policies

The City of Tallahassee Commission Policy Manual contains policies adopted by City Commission that provide management broad general direction to achieve specific goals and objectives.

Prior to establishing new policy or revising current policy, departments are asked to contact the Treasurer-Clerk's Office.

All the following files are in Adobe PDF Format.

Policy Policy Title Department Agenda
Administrative / General 
102 Reimbursement and Recovery of Attorney's Fees and Costs in Criminal Cases City Attorney Agenda
103 Reimbursement and Recovery of Attorney's Fees and Costs in Ethics Complaint Cases City Attorney Agenda
104 Audit Policy Inspector General Agenda
106 Adams Street Commons / Gallie Allie Use and Downtown Vendor and Sidewalk Café Permits (Applications) City Manager Agenda
108 Public Participation at Meetings Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
110 Citizen Advisory Boards Guidelines Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
112 Citizen Appearances/City Commission Agenda City Manager Agenda
114 Ceremonial Recognition City Manager Agenda
116 Document Signature Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
118 Absentee Ballot and Procedures Attachment Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
122 Neighborhood Outreach DECD Agenda
124 Fleet Management Policy (formerly, Vehicle Policy) DMA Agenda
126 Disclosure of Representation / Speaker Appearance Form Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
128 Smoking City Manager Agenda
130 Structure and Management of City Commission Office Staff Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
132 Annexation DMA Agenda
136 Real Estate Public Works Agenda
138 City Property Alcohol Policy City Manager Agenda
140 Public Records Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
142 International and Sister City Relationships Office of the Mayor Agenda
144 Filling Unanticipated Commission Vacancies Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
146 Records Retention Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
150 Retiree Healthcare Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
154 Sound Policy for Capital City Amphitheater at Cascades Park City Manager Agenda
160 Art Donation and Acceptance Policy Facilities Management Agenda
Financial / Fiscal
200 Claims Settlement Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
202 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) DMA Agenda
204 Athletic Team Travel Parks & Recreation Agenda
208 Utility Donation DMA Agenda
210 Utility Deposits for Hardship/ Low Income Customers DMA Agenda
214 Self-Insurance Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
216 Insurance Procurement Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
218 Capital Projects Management DMA Agenda
220 Internal Control DMA Agenda
224 Financing the Government DMA Agenda
230 Employee Solicitation/Payroll Deduction Human Resources Agenda
232 Local Option Sales Tax Program Management Public Works Agenda
234 Non-Pension Investment Policy Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
236 Pension Fund Investment Policy Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
238 Debt Management Policy Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
240 Industrial Revenue Bond Issuance Policy Treasurer-Clerk Agenda
242 Procurement Policy DMA Agenda
Legal (reserved) 
Land Development Regulations 
400 DRI Notification Growth Agenda
402 DRI Rezoning Growth Agenda
403 Reserved On-Street Parking for Historic Properties in Special Character Districts Public Works Agenda
412 Model Home Growth Agenda
414 Special Master Proceedings Under the 1995 Florida Land Use and Environmental Dispute Resolution Act City Attorney Agenda
415 Application of Best Management Practices for Residential Subdivisions Containing Significant Grades Growth Agenda
416 High Wage Employment Slope Exception Econ. Development Agenda
417 Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Controls for City Employees, City Contracts, City Utility Developer Agreements, and City-issued Building and Environmental Permits Multiple Agenda
Public Works and Stormwater Management 
600 Street Paving & Sidewalk Public Works Agenda
601 Subdivision Sidewalks Public Works Agenda
602 Residential Traffic Management Policy Public Works Agenda
Growth Management 
702 Tree Removal Policy Growth Agenda
704 Banners for City-Sponsored Events Located within Public Rights-of-Way Growth Agenda
710 Affordable Housing Permitting Growth Agenda
712 Environmental Management Permit Extension Growth Agenda
800 Transit Action Planning & Evaluation Criteria StarMetro Agenda
801 StarMetro Charter Service Policy and Procedures StarMetro Agenda
802 StarMetro Advertising Policy StarMetro Agenda
Protective Services 
900 Domestic Violence Police Agenda
Labor & Employee Relations 
1000 Safety Policy Human Resources Agenda
1002 Appointed Officials Salary Review Human Resources Agenda
1004 Executive and Senior Management Classification and Pay Study Human Resources Agenda
1006 Class and Pay for Non-Union Positions, Excluding Executive and Senior Management Positions Human Resources Agenda
1100 Permanent Relocation ECDD Agenda
1101 Temporary Relocation ECDD Agenda
1103 Administration and Implementation of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Multiple Agenda
1104 Certification of Affordable Single and Multiple-Family Developments ECDD Agenda
2001 Administration of Landscape Fee-In-Lieu Funds Public Works Agenda