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The following statistics for the Tallahassee Animal Services detail the number of animals who arrive and depart the shelter in various ways. Below, please find the year-to-date numbers, along with historical data from previous years. A key for what each category means is also posted below the chart.

2023 Stats Cats Kittens Dogs Puppies Other Total
Owner Surrender 131 48 189 50 29 447
Stray 300 216 573 135 32 1256
Return 4 0 25 7 1 37
Confiscate 27 9 77 14 0 127
Owner Assist 0 0 2 1 0 3
Quarantined 0 0 6 6 0 12
Transferred 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total Incoming 462 273 873 213 62 1883
Adoption 144 97 333 134 32 740
Died/Missing 4 3 0 0 1 8
Euthanized - Behavior 3 0 169 2 0 174
Euthanized - Medical 37 13 25 5 14 94
Euthanized - Time/Space 0 0 11 0 0 11
Euthanized - Age 0 21 0 0 0 21
Euthanized - O.R. 1 0 1 0 1 3
Total Euthanized 41 34 206 7 15 303
Returned to Home
207 18 0 0 0 225
Reclaimed 11 0 255 31 2 299
Transferred 27 19 76 49 11 182
Total Outgoing 434 171 870 221 61 1757
Live Release Rate % 84.2 49.1 76.1 100.5 72.6 76.8
Adoption Rate % 31.2 35.5 38.1 62.9 51.6 39.3
Euthanasia Rate % 8.9 12.5 23.6 3.3 24.2 16.1
Transfer Rate % 5.8 7.0 8.7 23.0 17.7 9.7
Return to Home %
44.8 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.6
Reclaim Rate % 3.7 0.0 44.5 23.0 6.3 23.8
Return Rate % 2.8 0.0 7.5 5.2 3.1 5.0
* Please note that Live Release Rate is not a Save Rate

Historical Statistics (PDF)

Category Key
  • Cats - Felines 6 months and older
  • Kittens - Felines under 6 months
  • Dogs - Canines 6 months and older
  • Puppies - Canines under 6 months
  • Other - wildlife, livestock, fish, reptiles, rabbits, pocket pets, and any other animal that is not a cat or dog

Intake Types

  • Owner surrender - an animal which is given up by its owner, either at the shelter or in the field
  • Stray - an animal which comes to the shelter after being found at large or lost
  • Return - an animal adopted from the shelter that is returned by the adopter within 30 days
  • Confiscate - an animal that is brought to the shelter by an animal control officer due to the owner not being available (incarcerated or hospitalized) or due to cruelty, neglect or abandonment
  • Quarantined - a cat or dog that has bitten a person and is subsequently being held for 10 days rabies quarantine to determine if the person must undergo rabies treatment
  • Transferred - an animal that comes in from another animal shelter or rescue group

Exit Types

  • Adoption - an animal that is placed permanently with a person for the purpose of being a companion
  • Died/Missing - an animal that died or escaped
  • Euthanized - Behavior - an animal that is aggressive or exhibited behaviors that made it unsafe to rehome
  • Euthanized - Medical - an animal that had a medical issue that precludes it from being adopted even with available resources
  • Euthanized - Time/Space - an animal that was available for adoption but space was no longer available or an animal that had a major health or behavioral issue that is treatable
  • Euthanized - Age - an orphaned animal that was under 5 weeks old (unable to eat on its own)
  • Euthanized - O.R. - an animal that came into the shelter (typically as a stray) & later identified by an owner who requested the animal be euthanized (typically an animal that was severely injured while running loose)
  • Reclaimed - a stray animal that is reunited with its owner
  • Return to Home - a community cat program whereby cats are altered, vaccinated & ear tipped and then returned to the place where they live
  • Transferred - animals that are sent to a nonprofit rescue or shelter that will assure their placement
  • Live Release Rate = (adopted + reclaimed + transferred + community cat program) / (incoming animals)
Version: 2789 (10/6/2016 9:46 AM) |