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We won't use this photo, I am sure

The Growth Management Department is your point of contact for development activity in the City of Tallahassee, whether it’s a renovation to your house or a multi-story mixed-use building. Here you will find the opportunity to apply for permits, review the latest codes and ordinances, learn about new projects in your area, and more.


Service Updates

Virtual Building Inspections continue to be an option for a limited number of services.

Until further notice, project review meetings such as Type A and Development Review Committee meetings may be held in person, remotely, or a combination of the two. Please refer to the agenda for information specific to that meeting.


John Reddick The Growth Management Department’s duty is to vigorously implement land development codes to protect life, the environment, and private property in a way that supports our local economy. We have two Divisions that directly serve the public. Land Use and Environmental Services is responsible for zoning and environmental reviews, and the Building Division issues building permits and certificates of occupancy. I am happy to welcome you to our page on and invite you to join our email subscription list to keep up to date with new developments in our City.

John Reddick, AICP, AICP, LEED AP ND
Growth Management Director

Building Inspections & Permitting
Land Use & Environmental Services