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American's with Disabilities Inclusion Statement

The City of Tallahassee Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Affairs Department (PRNA) welcomes and encourages the participation of children and adults, including those with disabilities, in all of its facilities, classes, programs and activities. Whether you choose to participate in specialty programs, inclusive programs or typical programs, you choose what is best for you and your family. For more information, please contact Kristy Carter, CTRS at 850-891-4008.


Inclusive recreation encourages opportunities for people of ALL abilities to participate and interact in Parks & Recreation activities together with respect. At the Tallahassee Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Affairs Department, we encourage an environment that promotes and fosters physical and social inclusion of people with diverse backgrounds and various skill levels.


What do I do if I want to sign up (or sign my child up) for general recreation classes?

Since the demand for classes is high, contact the appropriate program office to sign you/your child up for the class. If you need guidance or suggestions on appropriate classes, call the PRNA Office at 850-891-3866 for more information to help identify programs that would best meet your needs.

  • Contact the PRNA office at least 2 weeks prior to a program or class if you feel you might need a reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodations are individualized techniques and resources used to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering a program.
  • PRNA staff will speak with the participant or parent/guardian, as well as program staff regarding needed accommodation(s) for successful participation.
  • Once the program has started, PRNA staff will monitor progress through phone calls and/or observations of participant as needed.

Miracle Sports

Miracle Sports of Tallahassee provides Access to Athletics for people of all abilities. People with and without disabilities are all included. Whether it’s rounding the bases, scoring a touchdown, or driving the lane, programs are adapted so anyone can participate and be successful. Game days are rich, inclusive environments where our athletes and volunteers play together and encourage one another.

The majority of the seasons are played on the Miracle Field at Messer Park. This field provides a barrier free arena for athletes of ALL abilities. In 2008, the City of Tallahassee and the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association worked together to add a Miracle Field at the James Messer Sports Complex. Many community partners came together to help build this field. The field has a rubberized surface that allows accessibility for people of all abilities to play a variety of sports without limitations. There are accessible dugouts, accessible restrooms and accessible parking located at the facility. Shaded bleachers are available for family, friends and the community.

The following sports are currently scheduled:

  • Flag Football - Sundays beginning July 24, 2022 from 2:00 - 4:00pm with our partner Special Olympics
  • Kickball - Thursdays September 8 - November 17, 2022 from 6:00 - 8:00pm
  • Baseball Thursdays January 26 - April 6, 2023 from6:00 - 8:00pm

More information and registration at:

SportsAbility Alliance (formerly Florida Disabled Outdoors Association)

Laurie LoRe-Gussak, Executive Director ( - SportsAbility Alliance works to enrich lives through accessible inclusive recreation. The FDOA has promoted accessible recreation to persons with disabilities as well as the general public through its hands-on recreation programs, newsletters and community outreach and education.

Programs include:

More information:

Specialized Programs or Play sites for Persons with Disabilities

Stairs / Step Entry and Portable Aquatic Lift Available
Are you interested in going to the swimming pool, but concerned about negotiating the ladder or transferring from a wheelchair? Our aquatic facilities are equipped with mechanical aquatic lifts. You can find a full listing of our facilities on our Aquatics web page. Our staff has been trained to aid all individuals who need assistance. Come in and enjoy the facilities.

ATAC (Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club)
ATAC facilitates a special needs program for children and adults through the Challenger Program. This club meets at PRNA facilities. Fees and other information can be found at 850-891-4906 or

Gymnastics Adapted
Our adapted gymnastics class requires parent participation and is offered for the elementary age child with special needs. Class emphasis is on movement, building confidence and social skills, and exploring basic gymnastics.

Miracle Field
In 2008 The City of Tallahassee and the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association worked together to add a Miracle Field at the James Messer Sports Complex. Many community partners came together to help build this field. It is a rubberized surface field that allows accessibility for people of all abilities to play a variety of sports without limitations. There is accessible parking as well as accessible restrooms located at the facility. The dugouts are accessible and there are bleachers available for family and friends.

Playground with Rubberized Chips and Adapted Swings
Tom Brown Park located at 501 Easterwood Drive

There are seven different locations throughout the community that are accessible to all skill levels.

Service Animals
Service animals are allowed in any area that patrons are generally permitted. Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal's work or the individual's disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. A person with a disability will not be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless: (1) the animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the animal is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff will offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal's presence.

Resources / Community Partners for Specialized or Inclusive Programs

Laying back after a busy dayChallenger Little League
The Challenger League is a division of Little League baseball for mentally and physically challenged youths to enjoy the full benefits of "Little League".

Florida Disabled Outdoors Association
Laurie Gussak, Executive Director,
A variety of sports from baseball, flag football, lawn games, kickball, and more are offered by this organization.

Special Olympics
Bridget Hawk, Sr. Manager, Sports Training & Competition - Area 2,
Provides year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for people with intellectual disabilities who wish to participate, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.

For assistance in coordinating access to facilities or inclusion in departmental programs and services, please contact our staff Kristy Carter, CTRS at 850-891-4008 or or TTY711 two weeks prior to an event, activity or registration deadline.

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