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The City of Tallahassee is gathering information about a potential water system improvement project for the Huntington Estates neighborhood. The project, if constructed, will include replacing water mains, fire hydrants and service laterals in the areas shown below. These utility improvements are part of the City’s proactive program to replace aging utility infrastructure and provide safe, reliable utility service to customers for many years.

Design is expected to be completed near the end of March 2023.

No construction activity will be occurring at this time, and residents will be notified prior to the City commencing any construction activity associated with this project. If you have any questions or comments regarding these planned activities, please contact Charles Hargraves with the City’s Underground Utilities and Public Infrastructure Department at 850-891-6135 or

What is the project’s scope? The Huntington Estates Water Main Replacement Project includes the replacement of existing potable water infrastructure in the Huntington Estates development. The project will replace approximately 9,300 linear feet of existing water main and associated valves, services, meters, fire hydrants and other system components.

What are the benefits of this project? This project will replace aging utility infrastructure to reduce service interruptions due to maintenance and repair activities. This will allow the City to continue providing reliable, quality service for residents. The Huntington Estates Homeowners Association (HOA) contacted the City regarding their intent to resurface the roadway in their neighborhood in the near future. City staff evaluated the system and determined that replacement was required in the near future and that replacing it ahead of the HOA’s resurfacing project would be beneficial to the residents and the City.

When will the project begin, and how long it will last? The project is currently in the permitting and public outreach phase of design. Design is scheduled for completion near the end of March with the bid solicitation for construction anticipated to be released in May 2023. Construction is estimated to start in late summer or early fall of 2023 and will take 9 to 12 months to complete. The dates here are projections and subject to shift according to funding and other influences.

Are road closures expected? During the construction phase, intermittent lane closures are expected to occur within the work zone; however, two-way traffic will be maintained by flagging operations.

What can be expected in terms of restoration? During construction, work will occur in the road right-of-way/utility easement. All disturbed areas will be restored to their previous condition, including replacement of sod, sidewalk, driveways, etc., where impacted by construction activities. Roadway surfaces will be impacted by utility installation activities, including trenches saw cut in the existing asphalt to access existing utilities and allow for installation of new mains and services. The roadway in these areas where asphalt pavement removal is required will then be patched to restore the asphalt pavement surface. Following the City’s Water System Improvement Project, it is our understanding that the Huntington Estates Homeowners Association (HOA) will proceed with a pavement resurfacing project as the current roadways are nearing their end-of-life cycle. The City was requested by HOA members to evaluate its water system, and the project is a direct result of that evaluation and the desire by those community members to minimize impacts to the roadway in the future.

Who do I contact if I have questions about this project? Design Project Manager: Charles Hargraves, City of Tallahassee – Water Utilities Engineering, 850-891-6135,

Version: 3741 (6/21/2021 3:45 PM) |