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City Farm

City Farm TLH

City Farm TLH

The City Farm TLH program transforms vacant properties into accessible sources of locally grown food, promotes environmental and social health through underutilized site redevelopment, and spurs entrepreneurship through an urban farming small business training program. City Farm TLH began with grant funding from the Knight Foundation and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and continues in partnership with Tallahassee Community College’s Wakulla Environmental Institute.

Pilot Farm

In October 2020, the City began the development of a pilot urban farm on a vacant, underutilized, City-owned parcel at 530 Kissimmee Street. It serves as a training location for aspiring urban farmers and a source for fresh produce for the surrounding neighborhood. The pilot farm is one of several projects the City is working on collaboratively with residents of Greater Bond in support of the Greater Bond Neighborhood First Plan.

A group of training graduates
Urban Farming and Entrepreneurship Training

As part of the City Farm TLH project, the City of Tallahassee partners with the Wakulla Environmental Institute to offer a 12-week small-plot urban farming and entrepreneurship training program. The intensive training program helps provide participants with the knowledge to launch their own small farm in an urban setting. The course covers sustainable growing methods, crop management, marketing, business financing and more. Live instruction takes place at local urban farms and at the Wakulla Environmental Institute.

To request more information or to learn about upcoming registration opportunities, please visit Wakulla Environmental Institute’s website. Persons 18 years of age and older may be eligible to participate in the program at no cost, but space is limited.

Incubator Farms

The City is currently developing an urban farm incubator program in which graduates who complete the former 120-hour apprenticeship may have the opportunity to use City-owned land to start an urban farm. More details on the incubator program will be provided to eligible participants as they become available.