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January 2019

Quality of Life NewsJAN 31, 2019

StarMetro Food Donations

This Friday, Feb. 1, StarMetro, the City of Tallahassee's public transit system, will launch its annual Stuff the Bus food drive to support America's Second Harvest of the Big Bend. This year's theme is "Drive the Love in Tallahassee."

Quality of Life NewsJAN 30, 2019

City Expands Sustainability

The City of Tallahassee has a long-standing commitment to environmental sustainability and renewable energy. Tallahassee City Commission reaffirmed that commitment by setting the path toward an aggressive vision for our community’s clean energy future.

Economic Development NewsJAN 16, 2019

Commission Sets Strategic Vision

At its annual goal-setting retreat today, January 16, at the Smith-Williams Service Center, City Commissioners took action toward the development of a comprehensive strategic plan.

Economic Development NewsJAN 11, 2019

Annual Retreat

The Tallahassee City Commission will hold its annual retreat on Wednesday, Jan. 16. The retreat will take place at the Smith-Williams Service Center Annex, 2295 Pasco Street, and will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Public Safety NewsJAN 09, 2019

Applicants for Ethics Board

The City of Tallahassee and the Independent Ethics Board are currently accepting applications to fill vacancies in Seat 1 and Seat 6. The current membership of the Independent Ethics Board is available at

Public Infrastructure NewsJAN 8, 2019

Making Change Together

This Thursday, Jan. 10, the City of Tallahassee will host a meeting with Southside residents to provide updates on a variety of area projects.


City Commission Retreat, January 2019 - The Commission Discusses important topics
Tallahassee City Commission holds its annual retreat on Wednesday, Jan. 16 to decide on key issues.


December 2018

Economic development newsDEC 31, 2018

City Commission New Member

Today, City Commissioners unanimously appointed Dr. Elaine Bryant to fill the Seat 1 vacancy.

Economic Development NewsDEC 12, 2018

Applicants for Vacant Seat

The Tallahassee City Commission is a five-member board that serves as the governing body of the City; they set priorities and rules by which the City is operated, including establishing City goals, as well as setting the City's budget and tax rates.

Public Infrastructure NewsDEC 5. 2018

Urban Forest Master Plan

Commission approved an Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) to guide proactive urban forest management to balance the needs for storm hardening, infrastructure and growth over the next 20 years while ensuring the health of Tallahassee's trees.

November 2018

Economic Development NewsNOV 15,2018


The Tallahassee City Commission will hold a meeting at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 19, to swear-in newly-elected Mayor John Dailey and newly-elected commissioners Jeremy Matlow and Dianne Williams-Cox.

Publicinfrastructure NewsNOV 20, 2018

Canopy Roads Management Plan

The Canopy Roads Citizens Advisory Committee (CRCC) has prepared a draft update to the Canopy Roads Management Plan.

October 2018

Economic Development NewsOCT, 25, 2018


The city of Tallahassee, Fla., has become the 32nd municipal electric utility to join the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA), an Orlando-based wholesale power agency owned by municipal electric utilities throughout the state.

Economic Development NewsOCT 13, 2018

Economic Development Damage

Extremely strong Category 4 Hurricane Michael cut a path of destruction across north Florida that caused significant damage to the electric systems of five of Florida's public power utilities.

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