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How Power is Restored by the City of Tallahassee Utilities

Report an electric outage

power is restored at the plant first and then cascades down to transmission systems, emergency services, largest groups without power and then finally individual outages


Who is responsible for damaged property?

The diagrams below will show you who is responsible in the event something is damaged during a storm.

Report an electric outage

The City is responsible for repairing or replacing the pole, electrical service wires, pedestals and the electric meter - all the rest is the customer's responsibility


Q & A: Electrical Outages and Power Restoration

  1. What phone number can I call to report an outage? 850-891-4968, the City of Tallahassee Utilities’ main customer services phone number.
  2. How can I report an outage using my smart phone? Use the City’s Digitally app and click the "Electric Outage" tab near the top of the screen. You can visit from any web browser app. It’s easy.
  3. How can I find out when my home’s power will be restored? Feel free to call 850-891-4968 and ask, but just be aware that in most outage situations it’s not known precisely when power will be restored to an individual home. See the diagram above for more information.
  4. Will the City repair the overhead power line that connects from the street to my house? Good question. The City repairs the Service Wire to your home but not the connection at your end. An electrician would make repairs where the service wire connects with the weather-head above the meter, as well as repairs to the mast above the meter and the meter box itself. The City is responsible for: The service line and the electric meter. For underground service lines, responsibilities are a little different. See the diagram above for more information.
  5. If a tree falls on my overhead service wire to the house, and it pulls the weather-head away from the house, what will the City line crew do? In most cases the City crew would remove the meter and/or roll the service wire safely back to the pole at the street. After the electrician’s repairs to weather-head, mast, or meter box are completed and inspected, the City would return to reconnect the service wire to the customer’s facilities, and install a meter if the previous meter was removed.

Important Notice: It is the responsibility of the customer and property owner to ensure the premise has been inspected and is ready for utility services to be activated.  The City of Tallahassee will not be responsible for any damages to property caused by turning on requested services.