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The City of Tallahassee Utilities offers different electric rate plans available to you in order to provide flexibility and choices to fit your lifestyle and business.

Residential Rates


Standard Rate Plan

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $7.77 - single phase;  $27.20- three phase
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.07191 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC) $0.02939 per kWh
Effective Billing Rate $0.10130 per kWh

Optional Tallahassee Solar Pricing Plan See more information

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $7.77 - single phase;  $27.20- three phase
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.07191 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC) $0.05 per kWh
Effective Billing Rate $0.12191 per kWh

Optional Nights & Weekends Pricing Plan See more information

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $7.77 - single phase;  $27.20- three phase
Off-Peak Usage Rates (7 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays, weekends and holidays)
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.03026 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC)* $0.02557 per kWh
Effective Off-Peak Billing Rate $0.05583 per kWh
On-Peak Usage Rates (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays, Monday-Friday)
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.17657 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC)* $0.03644 per kWh
Effective Peak Billing Rate $0.21301 per kWh

* Nights & Weekends Pricing customers that sign up for Tallahassee Solar will pay the guaranteed fuel rate (ECRC) of $0.05/kWh instead of the current on- and off-peak rates. See more information.



Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $9.77 per month
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.69726 per CCF*
Fuel Cost $0.3782 per CCF*
Effective Billing Rate $1.07546 per CCF*

*CCF - 100 Cubic Feet

A Natural Gas Vehicle rate is available. Taxes and other fees may apply. For information call, please call Customer Operations at 850-891-4968.



Monthly Fees
Minimum Charge* $11.70 per month
Usage Rates  
Tier 1: First 50 cgals** $0.174 each cgal**
Tier 2: The next 51-150 cgals** $0.238 each cgal**
Tier 3: 151 cgals** and above $0.300 each cgal**

*Minimum charge includes customer charge ($) and 25 cgals of water usage.
**cgal - 100 gallons

These rates assume a 5/8" meter. For other meter sizes and rates, please call Customer Operations at 850-891-4968. Water surcharge outside City of Tallahassee - 50%

> Return to main utility rates page


Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $18.91 per month
Usage Rates  
Sewer Rate $0.604 per cgal*

*cgal - 100 gallon

Since sewer usage can't be metered, sewer charges are based on your monthly metered water use, up to an established maximum. Each April, the City calculates your maximum residential sewer charge based on your metered water consumption from your four winter bills dated December, January, February, and March. Your upper limit sewer charge, the most you will be charged in any month during the following 12 months, is established by using the highest water consumption of those four winter bills.  Sewer surcharge outside City of Tallahassee = 50%.

Find more on how your Residential Maximum Sewer Charge is calculated.


Monthly Fees
Stormwater Charge $8.35 per month

Waste Management

Monthly Charges
Regular Homes $18.37 per month
Apartment* $18.37 per month
Residential Premium Service (learn more) $42.39 per month
Additional Garbage Container (learn more) $12.02 per month in addition to regular charge
Special Residential Pickup Request (learn more) $75.10 per 1/4 hour plus disposal costs and associated fees

*If apartment complex management doesn't include in rental agreements and monthly charges, the city charges customer directly. Apartment rate includes bulky items service.

Tapping Fees

Water Tap Fees (one-time fee when connecting)
Actual Cost*
Sewer Only Tap Fees (one-time fee when connecting)
$275 plus actual cost*

*Actual cost is determined by City Manager or designee.

No water/sewer tap will be made on any street in the city not already having a main adjacent to the property where service is desired. The city shall make or permit water and/or sewer taps upon payment, in advance, for the above.

Commercial Rates



Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $10.57 - single phase; $38.77 - three phase
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.05689 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC)* $0.02939 per kWh
Effective Billing Rate $0.08628 per kWh

*Tallahassee Solar customers will have a guaranteed Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC) of $0.05/kWh till September 30, 2037. See more information.


Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $72.78 - secondary;
$247.46 - primary
Usage Rates
First 500 kWh/kW $0.02297 per kWh
Above 500 kWh/kW $0.00324 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC)* $0.02939 per kWh
Per kW Demand** $13.46 per kW

*Tallahassee Solar customers will have a guaranteed Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC) of $0.05/kWh till September 30, 2037. See more information.
**There is a 10 kW ($134.60) minimum charge for Demand customers regardless of usage.

This rate is optional for customers with demand between 10 and 24 kW, mandatory for demand in excess of 25 kW.

Large Demand

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $72.78 - secondary;
$247.46 - primary
Usage Rates
First 500 kWh/kW $0.02237 per kWh
Above 500 kWh/kW $0.00324 per kWh
Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC)* $0.02939 per kWh
Per kW Demand** $13.46 per kW

*Tallahassee Solar customers will have a guaranteed Fuel and Purchase Power Charge Rate (ECRC) of $0.05/kWh till September 30, 2037. See more information.
**There is a 10 kW ($134.60) minimum charge for Demand Customers regardless of usage.

Customer must exceed 500 kW of demand, three out of twelve months to qualify for this rate. In addition to the three most commonly applied rates listed above, there are also tariffs for Curtailable, Interruptible, Standby and Outdoor Lighting services. Taxes, Leon County surcharges and primary service credits may also apply. For information call, please call Customer Operations at 850-891-4968.




Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $17.47 per month
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.54339 per CCF*
Fuel Cost $0.37820 per CCF*
Space Cooling $0.20149 per CCF*

*CCF - 100 Cubic Feet

Small Interruptible (Annual consumption of 0-50,000 Mcf)

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $175.03 per month
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.25546 per CCF*
Fuel Cost $0.37820 per CCF*
Space Cooling $0.20476 per CCF*

*CCF - 100 Cubic Feet
Note: The Small Interruptible Rate is not available to new customers after April 1, 2013.

Interruptible (Annual consumption of 50,000 - 100,000 Mcf)

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $262.56 per month
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.1971 per CCF*
Fuel Cost $0.37820 per CCF*
Space Cooling $0.1582 per CCF*

*CCF - 100 Cubic Feet

Large Interruptible (Annual consumption greater than 100,000 Mcf)

Monthly Fees
Customer Charge $262.56 per month
Usage Rates
Energy Rate (non-fuel) $0.09557 per CCF*
Fuel Cost $0.37820 per CCF*
Space Cooling $0.07687 per CCF*

*CCF - 100 Cubic Feet

A Natural Gas Vehicle rate is available. Taxes and other fees may apply.



Monthly Fees
Meter Size cgals* Included in
Minimum Charge
Minimum Charge
5/8" Meter 25 $11.70 per month
1" Meter 125 $29.10 per month
1.5" Meter 292 $58.16 per month
2" Meter 493 $93.13 per month
3" Meter 1,027 $186.05 per month
4" Meter 1,628 $290.62 per month
6" Meter 3,298 $581.20 per month
8" Meter 5,302 $908.52 per month
Usage Rates
Water Rate $0.2080 per cgal* above cgals included in minimum charge
Irrigation Rate** $0.300 per cgal* above cgals included in minimum charge

*cgal - 100 gallon
**Separate metering required to avoid sewer charges on irrigation or evaporative cooling tower uses.

Water surcharge outside City of Tallahassee - 50%.

> Return to main utility rates page


Monthly Fees
Meter Size Customer Charge
5/8" Meter $18.91 per month
1" Meter $47.28 per month
1.5" Meter $94.53 per month
2" Meter $151.26 per month
3" Meter $302.48 per month
4" Meter $472.61 per month
6" Meter $945.22 per month
8" Meter $1512.39 per month
Usage Rates  
Sewer Rate** $0.604 per cgal* of usage

*cgal - 100 gallon
**Separate metering required to avoid sewer charges on irrigation or evaporative cooling tower uses.

Commercial accounts pay sewer charges on all water usage. Sewer surcharge outside City of Tallahassee - 50%.


Monthly Fees  
Stormwater Charge $8.35 per ERU* per month

*ERU - Equivalent Residential Unit - is equal to 1,990 square feet of impervious area.

Waste Management

Special Commercial Pickup Request (learn more) $77.06 per 1/4 hour plus disposal costs and associated fees

The city will provide solid waste collection services for commercial establishments or uses not described as standard or premium residential services, or multifamily tenant service as follows:

Garbage - Barrel Service

This garbage service provides a 96 gallon container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below.

1 day pick up per week $20.70 per month
2 days picked up per week $41.40 per month
3 days picked up per week $62.10 per month
4 days picked up per week $82.80 per month
5 days picked up per week $103.50 per month

Single-Stream Recycling - 4 Yard Dumpster Service

This recycling service provides a 4 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (4 cubic yards is about the size of 2 refrigerators)

Service for these containers available on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Fridays.

1 day pick up every other week $16.29 per month
1 day pick up per week $32.59 per month
2 days picked up per week $65.17 per month
3 days picked up per week $97.76 per month

Additional fees apply for on-call/off-schedule collection, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Single-Stream Recycling - 6 Yard Dumpster Service

This recycling service provides a 6 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (6 cubic yards is about the size of 3 refrigerators)

Service for these containers available on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Fridays.

1 day pick up every other week $24.44 per month
1 day pick up per week $48.88 per month
2 days picked up per week $97.76 per month
3 days picked up per week $146.64 per month

Additional fees apply for on-call/off-schedule collection, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Single-Stream Recycling - 8 Yard Dumpster Service

This recycling service provides an 8 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (8 cubic yards is about the size of 4 refrigerators)

Service for these containers available on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Fridays.

1 day pick up every other week $32.59 per month
1 day pick up per week $65.17 per month
2 days picked up per week $130.34 per month
3 days picked up per week $195.51 per month

Additional fees apply for on-call/off-schedule collection, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Garbage - 2 Yard Dumpster Service

This garbage service provides a 2 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (2 cubic yards is about the size of a refrigerator)

1 day pick up every other week Loose Waste - $16.30 per month
Compacted Waste - $61.32 per month
1 day pick up per week Loose Waste - $32.59 per month
Compacted Waste - $122.63 per month
2 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $65.18 per month
Compacted Waste - $245.26 per month
3 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $97.77 per month
Compacted Waste - $367.89 per month
4 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $130.36 per month
Compacted Waste - $490.52 per month
5 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $162.95 per month
Compacted Waste - $613.15 per month

Additional fees apply for open gate, on-call/off-schedule collection, return trip, late route (after 7 a.m.) servicing, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Garbage - 3 Yard Dumpster Service

This garbage service provides a 3 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (3 cubic yards is about the size of a refrigerator plus a dishwasher)

1 day pick up every other week Loose Waste - $24.44 per month
Compacted Waste - $91.98 per month
1 day pick up per week Loose Waste - $48.88 per month
Compacted Waste - $183.95 per month
2 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $97.76 per month
Compacted Waste - $367.90 per month
3 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $146.64 per month
Compacted Waste - $551.85 per month
4 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $195.52 per month
Compacted Waste - $735.80 per month
5 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $244.40 per month
Compacted Waste - $919.75 per month

Additional fees apply for open gate, on-call/off-schedule collection, return trip, late route (after 7 a.m.) servicing, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.


Garbage - 4 Yard Dumpster Service

This garbage service provides a 4 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (4 cubic yards is about the size of 2 refrigerators)

1 day pick up every other week Loose Waste - $32.59 per month
Compacted Waste - $122.64 per month
1 day pick up per week Loose Waste - $65.17 per month
Compacted Waste - $245.27 per month
2 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $130.34 per month
Compacted Waste - $490.54 per month
3 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $195.61 per month
Compacted Waste - $735.91 per month
4 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $260.68 per month
Compacted Waste - $981.08 per month
5 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $325.85 per month
Compacted Waste - $1226.35 per month

Additional fees apply for open gate, on-call/off-schedule collection, return trip, late route (after 7 a.m.) servicing, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Garbage - 6 Yard Dumpster Service

This garbage service provides a 6 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (6 cubic yards is about the size of 3 refrigerators)

1 day pick up every other week Loose Waste - $48.88 per month
Compacted Waste - $183.95 per month
1 day pick up per week Loose Waste - $97.76 per month
Compacted Waste - $367.90 per month
2 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $195.52 per month
Compacted Waste - $735.80 per month
3 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $293.28 per month
Compacted Waste - $1103.70 per month
4 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $391.04 per month
Compacted Waste - $1471.60 per month
5 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $488.80 per month
Compacted Waste - $1839.50 per month
6 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $586.56 per month
Compacted Waste - $2207.40 per month

Additional fees apply for open gate, on-call/off-schedule collection, return trip, late route (after 7 a.m.) servicing, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Garbage - 8 Yard Dumpster Service

This garbage service provides an 8 cubic yard container on your commercial property according to the pick up frequency of your choice from the chart below. (8 cubic yards is about the size of 4 refrigerators)

1 day pick up every other week Loose Waste - $65.18 per month
Compacted Waste - $245.27 per month
1 day pick up per week Loose Waste - $130.35 per month
Compacted Waste - $490.53 per month
2 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $260.70 per month
Compacted Waste - $981.06 per month
3 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $391.05 per month
Compacted Waste - $1471.59 per month
4 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $521.40 per month
Compacted Waste - $1962.12 per month
5 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $651.75 per month
Compacted Waste - $2452.65 per month
6 days picked up per week Loose Waste - $782.10 per month
Compacted Waste - $2943.18 per month

Additional fees apply for open gate, on-call/off-schedule collection, return trip, late route (after 7 a.m.) servicing, contamination and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Other Garbage/Recycling Container Services

These containers are for commercial customers with the greatest garbage/recycling disposal capacity needs. These containers are taken off your property each time to be emptied and returned immediately after disposal. Set up a scheduled pick up or call each time.

Multi-Lift Container (sizes range from 12-16 cubic yards in capacity) $135.60 per pull plus disposal cost
Roll Off Container (sizes range from 20-40 cubic yards in capacity) $215.71 per pull plus disposal cost

Additional fees apply for weekend service, container turn around, relocation and/or customer-requested sanitizing. Please call 850-891-4968 for information on these services.

Electricity and Natural Gas Tax Exemptions

Businesses that possess a current Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption issued by the Florida Department of Revenue qualify for an exemption from Florida Sales Tax on their purchases of electricity and natural gas.  Other businesses may also qualify for an exemption from Florida Sales Tax.  Businesses may also be eligible for a refund of exempt taxes paid during the previous 36 months.


Tax exemption forms and references:

Please forward your Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption, completed Residential Use Exemption or Manufacturing Exemption by e-mail to or by fax to 850-891-0901. For more information please call 850-891-8925.

To learn more, you may contact the Florida Department of Revenue at 1.800.352.3671.

Detailed information about City of Tallahassee Utilities rate applicability or availability, discounts, penalties, etc. can be found at the Municipal Code Corporation (MCC).
Version: 2440 (9/26/2016 11:25 AM) |